Single Mom Rental Assistance Indiana

Single Mom Rental Assistance Indiana

Low-income single mothers in Indiana can avail of financial aid and support to cover their rent and utility expenses and reduce their financial burden. Private agencies, local government, and federal government offer funding and housing assistance programs. To qualify for rent assistance single moms need to give valid documentation that she has income within the income thresholds and has a robust financial need to cover rent payments.

Are Rent Assistance Available For Single Moms In Indiana?

Financial difficulties can be challenging for everyone. Few communities in Indiana face economic challenges harder compared to others. This is true for single moms who have to face innumerable hardships in life. Providing affordable and decent housing to their family is a major priority however not many can afford housing necessities and pay rent because of their financial challenges. Fortunately the state, local and federal programs are available in Indiana that help single moms to secure a shelter and cover their rent payments

List Of Single Mom Rental Assistance In Indiana

Single mothers who are residents of Indiana and looking for rent support can find a lot of ways to get through the difficult time. Rental assistance is provided to Indiana citizens who can fulfill the eligibility requirements by state agencies, local and federal government, nonprofit organizations, and charities.

1. Hope Southern Rent Support

This organization manages emergency relief services and programs for eligible low-income residents of Wayne Township. Direct rental assistance and help to families is provided to eligible residents in Floyd County Indiana. Other services that single moms in Indiana can avail of through this organization are utility assistance and emergency rent assistance to prevent homelessness, eviction, and disconnection of utilities. You need to be a resident of Floyd County and have the specific household income required by the organization to qualify.

2. Coburn Place Safe Haven

This is a local nonprofit organization that has been designed to offer help to needy women and their kids. Women who are victims of violence and domestic abuse are mainly prioritized by Coburn Place Safe Haven in Indiana. Single mothers who are victims of family or domestic violence can seek temporary housing assistance and rental help from this organization. The mission of the organization is to offer rent support, legal assistance, and cash assistance to people based on their needs and circumstances

3. Monroe County United Ministries

The mission of this organization is to serve employed low-income families in Indiana and provide them with financial support so that they can cover their rent payments. The organization assists them with subsidized childcare and emergency requirements so that single moms can provide a secure and safe place for their children and can also offer high-quality education. Monroe County United Ministries in Indiana offer eligible candidates food for three days a month. Mortgage and rental assistance are provided once a year or two to eligible low-income Indiana families to avoid the risk of eviction or utility shut-off.

4. The Calumet Township Trustee’s Office

This is a local nonprofit organization in Indiana that is designed to offer temporary emergency housing for needy women and children. The Calumet Township Trustee’s Office provides single mothers with rental help, support with finding a permanent job as well as vendor assistance. If you’re a single mom in Indiana and looking for housing help or ways to cover your rent payments and reduce your financial burden then this option can benefit you in a lot of ways.

5. The Julian Center

This is one of the biggest treatment centers for victims of sexual violence. The center has been operating for women since 1975 and has provided temporary housing assistance and help to single mothers as well. Once you qualify you can get rent assistance and housing help depending on your financial needs and circumstances.

6. Stopover, Inc.

This is a social service organization that has been designed for junior Indiana residents. Young or teen single moms who are financially challenged and are unable to afford a house or pay their rent can consult this community and seek their help. The social service organization offers shelter support known as the Crisis Intervention Shelter.

7. Greater Hammond Community Services Inc.

This is a local nongovernmental organization located in Indiana. The organization offers many resources to low and moderate-income families including single mothers. The services offered by this organization include winter and summer utility assistance, rent support, an eviction prevention program, rehousing, cash assistance, weatherization, and other necessary community needs. The Greater Hammond Community Service Inc. offers many options to single mothers and their children based on their cases and situation.

8. Emergency Assistance Programs

Emergency Rent Assistance Programs are available to single-parent families through Southeast Community Services. The programs help single moms to overcome homelessness or eviction and meet their basic needs. Emergency rental assistance programs help them to cover their clothing, food, utility, and rental needs. Emergency rental assistance is available to women and children throughout Indiana through the Salvation Army Indiana social service center. Single-parent families can get help to cover their utilities from rent, housing, and prescription bills.

9. Housing Choice Voucher Program Or Indiana Section 8 Program

The federal government finances the Indiana Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and makes sure that low or moderate-income families including single mothers can afford a safe and secure dwelling with reasonable rents. Once you become eligible for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program in Indiana you can choose your preferred home in a neighborhood. The voucher program will make a deal with your property manager or homeowner and will cover a part of your rent payment. Eligible single moms are required to roughly pay 30% to 40% of the overall rent payment while the remaining will be covered by this program.


Rent assistance programs in Indiana offer unemployed single moms or low-income single mothers grants to cover their rent and utility payments. This financial aid helps them in covering their rent payments and in reducing their financial burden. The best thing about availing rent assistance programs in Indiana is that they are available in the form of grants and need not be repaid.

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