Single Mom Support Groups Buffalo NY

Single Mom Support Groups Buffalo NY

Parenting can be an enriching and challenging experience, and for single mothers, this experience is more pronounced. Raising young people and supporting them single-handedly while managing time, taking multiple jobs, and ensuring good health and relationships can be overwhelming and taxing. No matter whether you are a widower, divorcee, or a single mom by choice, joining single-parent support groups can help you in many ways and can make your life a bit easier. The Buffalo, NY, area is filled with plenty of single parents who are raising kids by themselves. A lot of single parents in this area are tapping into the free resources and online communities that are designed to help people navigate the complications of life and allow them to connect with co-parents and single parents and make meaningful friendships and connections.

Why Would You Need A Single Mom Support Group?

Parent support groups are a haven for single parents which gives them a place to talk and be heard. When there isn’t anything left for them but only surviving for the next day, joining these groups can become the emotional backbone that they need to rely on. Single mom support groups in the Buffalo, NY, area are an essential element of self-care for parents who hardly get time to look after themselves while juggling parenthood and other obligations. No man is an island, and every human needs counseling and help on some days. Getting a place where you can share your experiences, highs, and lows will help you to find hope and a sense of relief. Parents’ support groups will not only help you to be better equipped to manage your children but also take care of yourself.

Different Single Mom Support Groups In Buffalo, NY Area

There are immense opportunities and resources for single moms in the Buffalo NY area, ranging from support groups led by experts or professionals to online forums, adult-only softball teams, music festival outings, and casual hangouts at parks. Every family’s journey is unique. However, single parenthood is undoubtedly a well-beaten path. You can take advantage of the following support and tools that are available.

1. Blossoming After Baby

Single mothers feeling anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed after having a baby and without the support of their co-parents will find this group to be truly helpful. Studies state that 1 in 4 birthing people go through anxiety disorder or perinatal mood. This is a psychoeducational group that will give you a chance to meet with other parents who are facing similar issues and help you to acquire skills to manage symptoms of anxiety and postpartum depression better. A wide range of topics are covered in this group, like self-esteem, body image for mindfulness, DBT emotional regulation skills, cognitive reframing techniques, etc.

2. Mamas Rising

Life shifts in many ways when you become a single mother and raise your family, irrespective of whether it is your first or fourth child. A lot of single moms feel isolated and overwhelmed while dealing with struggles all alone. During this time of transition and changes, we all need support from others who can truly understand our emotions and help us cope with them better. Mamas Rising is a six-week group that is designed for mothers of new babies and gives them a chance to get a comfortable, safe, and non-judgmental environment to discuss their challenges, learn new parenting skills, manage stress, celebrate their success, and make friends effectively.

3. Buffalo Fun & Friendship Social Meetup (For WNY women)

This group was created to provide a fun environment where women can meet new people and form friendships. You can enjoy time with others and build a support network by joining this group. Whether you are an empty nester or a single mom with no support system, this group encompasses every type of wonderful woman from the Western NY area. You get a chance to explore the Buffalo/Niagara Falls area. Some of the activities organized by this group for its members are dining out, movie nights, local theater, wine tasting, happy hour, local tours, weekend trips, day trips, trivia nights, community events, concerts, re-gifting, and many more. Women in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s enjoy free time with others and get people to walk with, make friends, and share their ups and downs.

4. Social Singles 40’s-50’s

This group provides you an opportunity to come and meet other single people near your area and expand your social circle. No matter whether you’re single in your 40s or 50s, you can get a chance to meet up with other singles in the Buffalo area and participate in comedy clubs, sports, dinners, brunches, local festivals, movies, hikes, and other fun activities. This is a private group with around 190 members and provides an opportunity for singles and even single parents to take part in meetups, interact with others, and create a fun and engaging life for themselves. This group is open to bachelors, single parents by choice, newly divorced, and others.

5. The Parent Network of Western NY

This is a community resource for individuals and families with special needs and professionals who want to work with such families. The main objective of this group is to empower families and individuals with special needs so that they can successfully advocate for their children and can provide them with proper education and care. Single mothers who have children with special needs can access workshops, information, referral services, resources, and many more. This community resource provides comprehensive one-on-one support, conferences, and workshops on parenting topics and special education.


The groups mentioned above, and resources are safe places for single mothers in Buffalo, NY, to be authentic about their struggles and success in life. These groups help them to be better equipped in the vital roles that they play and help them to find an identity outside parenthood. By joining these support groups, you become a part of mom’s night out and other fun activities, seek resourceful and educational videos, get practical help, learn art and craft with other mommies, and listen to live speakers.

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