Daycare Help For Single Moms In California

Daycare Help For Single Moms In California

With the high cost of living in the state of California a significant percentage of Californians are living in poverty. Single moms living with their children are at higher risk than other populations. To ease the financial burden the state of California offers financial assistance and help for single homes and makes it easier for them to survive.

How Can Single Moms Apply For Subsidized Or Free Childcare Services In California?

Following are the ways through which single, moms can avail of subsidized child care help in California:

1. Enroll With Local Subsidy Agency

Single moms can find a childcare resource and referral center near them and contact them. This resource center in California will guide them throughout the process of applying for subsidized child care. You can browse through their official website and get an idea about how you can get help. Contact the local center and book an appointment. The local subsidy agency will guide you and help you navigate the application process.

2. Select A Program

Based on your application the caseworker will determine the type of subsidized care you can qualify for. Single moms can choose their preferred childcare program. You can take the help of the daycare provider to fill out the paperwork. Once you complete the application process the caseworker will scrutinize the financial information that you provide on the application and will walk you through the process. Caseworkers generally help low income families to receive childcare subsidies.

3. Maintaining The Childcare Once You Receive

Caseworkers will help you to know the payments that you are required to pay and how to make them. Eligible single moms receiving subsidized child care or affordable daycare helpers are required to pay any applicable fees if required, maintain consistent attendance, and also keep in touch with their case worker. Family fees are decided by the case worker while program fees are agreed between the childcare provider and the guardian. There are strict rules and eligibility criteria about the attendance of children while receiving subsidized care benefits. Single moms may be terminated from receiving childcare support if their children have too many absences. You need to contact your caseworker and learn about the allowed number of absences. Single moms are also responsible to notify their caseworker about any changes that they can make based on their circumstances. Inconsistency to report the changes in time will lead to the termination of the subsidized daycare program.

How To Avail Daycare Help For Single Moms In California?

Daycare is unaffordable for low income single moms in California. With just one source of income raising kids and fulfilling other obligations creates a huge financial impact on the lives of several single mothers. Daycare assistance enables single moms to cover high childcare costs and afford good quality childcare services. The average cost of childcare in California is out of reach for low-income single moms especially those having more kids to raise. Following are the ways through which you can take daycare or childcare help for single moms in California.

1. Alternative Payment Program

For a single mom, the struggle of child-rearing can be taxing. The Alternative Payment Program in California helps to ease the burden of single moms providing vouchers that they can pay towards daycare services including licensed family child care homes and preschools.

2. Child Care Aware® of America

This is an organization which helps single moms to locate affordable and safe childcare in their zip code. The organization connects single parents in California with childcare providers. If you cannot avail of affordable childcare then the childcare budgeting calculator as well decision-making tool provided by the organization will help you to get a rough idea about your monthly budget. You can locate an agency near you or visit the official website to find providers near your area.

3. CalWORKs

The welfare program in California is known as CalWORKs which offers financial services and cash assistance to eligible California families and needy single-parent families who have little or no cash to meet their necessities like food, housing, utilities, medical care, etc. Even though this is short-term help, it will enable single moms to cover their daycare or childcare costs. Eligible candidates can receive support for a maximum duration of 48 months of their lifetime. Single moms looking for daycare help can apply for it at any office in the county where they are living or on an online portal. An unemployed single mom having a family of three members can receive cash assistance of $925 per month through this program. The exact financial assistance may vary depending on your location in California.

4. CalWORKs Child Care

A plethora of subsidy programs and financial assistance is provided to low income qualifying families who require help for covering childcare costs by the Child Care Resource Center in California. Eligible families who qualify for the  CalWORKs Child Care Program can select their childcare provider. This program is administered in California in three multiple stages each having specific eligibility criteria that single moms and other parents have to fulfill.

5. California Head Start

California Head Start is a program funded and administered by the federal government. This program offers free early childhood development services as well as centers for low-income families. The Head Start Program includes food and health services for kids who attend the centers. California Head Start Program is developed especially for children up to five years of age. Single moms who are unable to afford quality childcare services can apply for the California Head Start Program and fulfill the eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria require single mothers and other families to earn an income less than 130% of the federal poverty level.


Average full-time childcare costs in the United States are valued between $2400 and $20,800 annually depending on your location, the age of the child, and the type of care they are getting. Daycare assistance and childcare support are provided by various programs and resources for single moms and low-income families who are unable to provide affordable and good-quality childcare services. Single mothers have to fulfill their eligibility requirements for the program before receiving support.

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