NJ Lawyer For Single Moms

NJ Lawyer For Single Moms

Single mothers in New Jersey have to go through a lot of legal issues such as child support, child custody, divorce or separation, domestic abuse, and visitation rights. They can’t navigate the difficulties of the legal process alone without taking the help of a knowledgeable lawyer. Fortunately, there are many ways in which single ones in New Jersey can get legal help. This guide will provide you with an in-depth look at affordable legal help that is available for single mothers and how to choose the right legal professional.

What Are The Different Types Of Legal Assistance Available For Single Moms In New Jersey?

Navigating the difficulties of legal issues can be challenging for anyone and is more daunting for single mothers who have to deal with everything single-handedly. Following are the types of legal assistance that single moms can avail to ease their situation.

1. Lawyer Referral Services

Lawyer Referral Services connect single mothers with attorneys who are specialized in particular law areas for instance family law. Many Bar Associations in New Jersey provide lawyer referral services and enable single moms to locate experienced and qualified attorneys who can represent them in legal matters.

2. Family Law Attorneys

Family Law Attorneys in New Jersey specialize in solving family legal issues that single mothers often face including child support, child custody, divorce, and visitation rights. New Jersey single mothers seek reduced fees or free consultation from family law attorneys and reduce their legal challenges.

3. Legal Aid Offices/Services

No cost or free legal assistance is provided by legal aid officers or services in New Jersey. Struggling single mothers are unable to afford a private attorney for themselves. These legal services focus on solving civil matters like housing, family law, and public benefits. Legal aid offices or services in New Jersey are an incredible source for solo mothers who require legal assistance.

Bar Association Programs And Pro Bono Services

There are many Bar Association in New Jersey that provide legal assistance programs or free legal assistance exclusively to single mothers and low-income individuals who are unable to afford a private attorney. These legal programs include pro bono services where lawyers and attorneys volunteer their time and efforts in assisting clients at no cost. Solo mothers can visit these local Bar Association in New Jersey and inquire about the available services and programs.

NJ Lawyer For Single Moms: Ways To Get Assistance And Legal Help

New Jersey has a 9 million population and around a million of them live in poverty, especially single mothers who have to struggle to provide basic needs to their children. Despite its proximity to New York, the state has an affordable cost of living. Single moms need more than mere affordability to get through their difficult time and service. Fortunately, there are legal assistance programs and resources available in the state for single moms in the following ways.

1. New Jersey Legal Services

Single moms in New Jersey can avail of free legal assistance and services on civil matters from pro bono law organizations within the state. They can understand and get a review of their rights regarding housing, taxes, and other issues from an experienced attorney. Interested single moms looking for legal assistance or affordable lawyers can contact New Jersey legal services at 888-576-5529.

2. Project Self-Sufficiency

This organization created by the New Jersey Department Of Children And Families provides a variety of legal advice and free suggestion, assistance programs, and education for Northern New Jersey residents including single moms. Project Self-Sufficiency gets the assistance of experienced attorneys from the Sussex County Bar Association who volunteer their effort and time and provide free legal education, assistance programs, and suggestions to single mothers and low-income participants who are unable to afford a private attorney. Project Self-sufficiency frequently schedules free informational seminars where you can participate and widen your knowledge on topics including mortgage modification, family law, landlord or tenant problems, bankruptcy, consumer law, real estate, and so on.

3. Guardianship Assistance Program (GAP)

This program offers affordable guardianship legal services to caretakers and parents of special needs youth. In New Jersey once a special needs child turns 18 years they will be considered a legal adult and parents need not make any decision on their behalf. Acquiring legal guardianship enables single mothers to continue to protect their kids and make important decisions for the children such as medical, education, and other areas on their behalf. If you’re a single mom of a special needs child then the guardianship assistance program will help you to seek affordable legal services and advice.

4. The Rutgers Law Domestic Violence Project

This project serves victims belonging to residents of Camden County and provides an outreach program where they get legal information and suggestions about how to improve their situation. Single mothers are commonly victims of domestic violence in New Jersey. They can prepare for the upcoming final restraining order hearing by taking suggestions and advice from this project. Project volunteers will speak to the candidates who require legal help and will provide them with valuable information.

5. Advocates for Children of New Jersey (ACNJ)

Nonprofit advocacy organization in New Jersey works on behalf of single moms, low-income families, and children and conducts research, develops legislation, and maintains oversight of all the programs and policies of their state administrative agencies. Some of the areas covered by this advocacy organization are child health, children’s legal rights, juvenile justice, family economic success, family learning, child protection, and so on. The mission of the organization is to give voice to the needs and requirements of children by educating as well as engaging the state leaders and educating the public through policy, research, strategic communication, and legal analysis.


Navigating a divorce or any other legal issues as a single mother in New Jersey can be daunting however availing the right support and legal assistance will help you in your case and solve your issues quickly. Single mothers need to invest a bit of time and effort in researching the right legal assistance and community resources that are available for them in the state.

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