Foundation For Single Moms NYC

Foundation For Single Moms NYC

The life of a single mom can be extremely daunting and challenging. Between providing for the children, going through multiple jobs, and being the sole caregiver single mothers have to go through incredibly difficult times. Fortunately, wonderful charities and organizations are available in New York City that are willing to help single mothers in times of their need. This guide will help single moms to explore the top charities and organizations which focus on supporting and helping single moms and their children in every way possible. Such charities and foundations provide much-needed assistance and support so that single moms can avail the right financial assistance, government training programs, educational opportunities, and many more.

Is There a Foundation For Single Moms In NYC?

Yes, there are a lot of charities and foundations working throughout NYC that help single moms to battle social stigma, anxiety, financial stress, and the responsibility of parenting their children alone. These charities help them with food, housing, financial support, scholarship, grants, transitional housing, and much more help. Now it is up to single moms to select the foundation which resonates the most with them. No matter which foundation they end up choosing and contributing to, each has a common mission of providing support and assistance to needy single moms. Each foundation runs specific programs that have unique missions for single mothers and their children.

Foundation For Single Moms NYC

Single moms constitute a significant population in NYC that faces a lot of financial and emotional challenges. Many cannot avail of reliable transportation or childcare facilities while some find it difficult to pursue higher education and get a good job. Single moms who are struggling with housing instability, food insecurity, or any other issues fail to take better care of themselves and their children. No matter what circumstance or income level you are in, some foundations will help you to raise your child alone and thrive. These foundations are as follows:

1. The Salvation Army

This is a Christian charity that has been helping people since the 16th century. The foundation offers assistance to people in crisis including single moms through holiday assistance, food banks, clothing, shelter, and many more. The Salvation Army New York City offers educational programs such as literacy training, a GED program, financial coaching, and many more. Single moms in NYC are interested in participating in the mentorship program. The Single Parent Program by Salvation Army assists single moms with childcare, housing and utility assistance, health insurance, and transportation. Another program known as Angel Tree helps connect kids in need with people who donate gifts for holidays. Reach out to your neighboring Salvation Army branch in NYC and ask them how to get involved with them.

2. Saving Mothers

This is a global nonprofit organization of healthcare professionals that is dedicated to eliminating preventable maternal deaths and birth-associated complications in marginalized women. Around 830 women die every day globally due to preventable obstructive causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Around 90% of women in low-resource settings deliver babies outside the hospital setting. This organization trains and educates healthcare professionals to make sure that every woman receives the best care possible during their motherhood stage. The organization offers programs to empower women and also make sure that their voices are heard by healthcare professionals.

3. Moms For Moms NYC

One in four children below 18 years of age is being raised by single moms in the United States. Around 45% of 17.4 million children are living below the poverty line. Moms For Moms NYC is a foundation that empowers single moms by providing critical postpartum as well as newborn essentials to alleviate this stress of single moms. Around 90,000 single moms in NYC enter the stage of motherhood without any support from their close ones or community. The objective of this foundation is to meet the urgent needs of pregnant women and connect them with the right resources that will be of great help in their motherhood journey. The main aim of this organization is to honor and support single moms in their postpartum experience.

4. Bigs & Littles NYC

The mentoring services and programs of this organization help in transforming the lives of single moms and their children through mentoring. The foundation strengthens families in hardship. The organization addresses the fact that children can be healthy when their families are healthy and their mentoring program offers intensive support and care to parents, especially single moms. The priority of the foundation is to provide a vital sense of community, continuity, and comfort to all. Around 4200 children in New York State have lost a parent or sole caregiver due to numerous reasons. Losing a caregiver or parent during childhood increases the risk of developing poor outcomes over their lifetime including poor physical and mental health. The emergency fund of the foundation ensures critical assistance and continued mentoring services like childcare, Internet access, financial help to replace wages, bills payment, meals, and so on.

5. WIN

It is one of the largest providers of supportive housing and family shelter in New York City. The foundation transforms the lives of homeless families in New York City by providing them with holistic solutions of groundbreaking programs, critical services, and safe housing which they need to succeed and thrive in their lives. Families including single-parent families can get back on their feet and achieve self-sufficiency by making a brighter future for themselves and their children. The foundation strives to break the cycle of homelessness by becoming one of the premium leaders as well as a trusted partner in offering innovative solutions to families in need.


There are amazing charities and foundations out there in New York City which offer assistance and support to single moms in need. If you are a single mom or know someone who is struggling to raise children alone and make ends meet then try contacting any one of these organizations which will be of great help to those struggling for financial assistance, mentorship programs, and many more these foundations will lend a hand that will be of great help.

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