Scholarships For Single Moms

Scholarships For Single Moms

Raising children is no walk in the park especially for single moms. They have to fulfill all the responsibilities and play the dual role of both mother and father while taking jobs to provide for the family. A lot of single moms look for ways to return to college and earn a degree so that they can earn a better living wage.

There is no doubt that single moms have a lot on their plates, unlike other average college students. They not only have to fulfill the financial and domestic responsibilities within their household but also have to keep up with the college bills and assignments.

Earning a minimum bachelor’s degree will help them move up economically and provide a better and more comfortable lifestyle for their children. This is the reason why it is significant for single moms to find scholarships and grants for college and fulfill their educational goals.

Why Apply For Scholarships For Single Moms?

For single moms, a college degree is not only a means to grab a better economic situation for themselves but also to have more money in their pockets to provide a better lifestyle for their little ones. Considering the higher costs of education and the cost of raising a family it is vital to look for free scholarship money for single moms. As the number of single moms students in the United States is increasing a lot of scholarship opportunities are available for them.

Single-parent college scholarships and grants are available for both single moms and dads and these financial aid opportunities give them an equal opportunity to pay for their school. Scholarships like student loans are not required to be repaid with interest therefore you can fulfill your educational goals and pursue higher education without increasing your financial burden.

How To Apply For Legit Scholarships For Single Moms?

There are many scholarships available for single moms and needy women throughout the United States of America and you need to be familiar with them to attain your goals. Once you research the available scholarships at the federal, state, and local levels you can compile a comprehensive list of scholarship programs that you can qualify for and start applying for them as soon as possible.

Make sure you know the deadline dates for every scholarship program. It is also important to read all the eligibility requirements before applying. Few scholarship programs may request letters of recommendation, and official transcripts or require needy students to write an essay. Some other scholarships may request students to submit financial documents so that they can assess their economic situation before assisting them.

How Can Single Moms Win Scholarships?

Scholarships are generally competitive which means hundreds or thousands of candidates apply for them. You can boost your chance of being a scholarship by applying for as many scholarship programs as you can. Experts recommend people apply for anywhere between 5 to 30 scholarships to secure their chance of winning at least once.

You need to follow the instructions for every scholarship program and send the application within the deadline. Do not stop applying for scholarship programs just because you are in 3rd or 4th year of college or have failed to qualify for one program. Keep an eye out for other grants and support available to you for instance applying for government grants or seeking special aid or discounts for single moms in colleges.

List Of Best College Scholarships For Single Moms

Single moms find it more challenging unlike other students to complete a college degree. They not only have to balance a full-time academic course but also be responsible for clothing, feeding, and financially supporting their family. Recent data shows that around 30% to 40% of single-parent families are living below the poverty line, which makes it difficult for them to spend money on college education.

Fortunately, there are multiple scholarship opportunities designed to mitigate the educational needs of single moms and help them improve their situation by accessing better education. Read on the below list of scholarship opportunities that are directly aimed at single moms who are pursuing higher education.

1. Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship

The Jeannette Rankin Women’s Scholarship is one of the best scholarships for older single moms. The scholarship program is geared toward women who are 35 years or above in age and belong to the low-income category. To apply for the program you need to be a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident.

The program also requires single-mom students to pursue their first associate degree, bachelor’s degree, or technical degree in an accredited institution. The selection for the scholarship program will be based on the educational goals and plans of the applicants and their intention about how they want to use this scholarship fund and give back to the community. Eligible single-mom students can receive a grant amount of up to $2000.

2. P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education

One of the most effective graduate scholarships for single moms is the PEO Program for Continuing Education which covers women whose education has been interrupted due to life challenges.

Single moms who want to complete a certification or degree program and return to school can apply for the program. Eligible applicants are required to be a citizen of the United States of America or Canada and must be studying in an educational institution in any one of these countries.

The grant award of the program is up to $3000. Eligible applicants should have a minimum of 24 consecutive months of nonstudent status in their adult lives and should be within two years of finishing their desired degree program.

3. Live Your Dream Awards Program

Low-income women including single moms who are the primary financial providers for their families and dependents and want to overcome life obstacles like domestic violence, alcohol and drug abuse, and poverty can apply for the Live Your Dream Awards program.

These scholarships come with a regional grant award of $3000 to $5000. Eligible winners of this regional award can also receive international-level financial awards worth $10,000. Applicants should have a robust financial need and must dwell within the Soroptimist International Member territory. The territories comprise the United States, Mexico, Canada, and different countries in southern Central America including East Asia.

4. Ford Opportunity Scholarship

Scholarship opportunities are available at the Ford Family Foundation for single parents who are pursuing bachelor’s degrees in an accredited institution. Single moms who are heads of households and are facing challenges without the support of a partner can apply for the Ford Opportunity Scholarship.

Applicants must be a resident of Oregon or Siskiyou County in California. This scholarship grant covers 90% of your educational costs and the grant award ranges somewhere between $1000 to $25,000. The program offers financial assistance to 50 students every year provided they can prove that they are single parents of minor children.

5. The Florence Nightingale Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students

Are you looking for single moms scholarships for nursing in New York? Apply for the Florence Nightingale scholarship for disadvantaged students program which is provided by the New York State Nurses Association. This scholarship program is designed to support single moms who are pursuing a nursing career. By applying for this scholarship program you can receive financial assistance to cover your educational expenses such as books, tuition, and so on.

The eligibility of the program requires you to be a single mom, permanent resident of New York State, have a strong credential need, and must be enrolled or accepted into an accredited nursing certification program in New York State.

6. The Mary Blake Single Parent Nursing Scholarship

The Mary Blake single-parent nursing scholarship is an ideal choice for students looking for LPN scholarships for single moms. The program has been designed to address the needs of students who are perfectly balancing single parenthood and nursing education.

Candidates are required to write an essay and also complete a scholarship application to receive a grant award of $500. The essay should not exceed 500 words and require candidates to describe their ability about how they are managing the ongoing demands of being a single parent as well as a nursing student. You need to submit the application and essay by mid-June every year.

7. The Patsy Takemoto Mink Education Foundation

The Patsy Takemoto Mink Foundation provides 5 scholarship grants every year to eligible women including single moms who are 17 years old or above and are mothers of minor children. Eligible single moms should be pursuing an associate degree, vocational degree certificate program, or a bachelor’s degree to qualify for the scholarship program given by the foundation. Applicants should have a household income of or less than $28,000 depending on their household size. The scholarship award received eligible students up to $5000.

8. Emerge Scholarship

Women who are nontraditional students and wish to go back to school after taking a break from studies can apply for Emerge Scholarships. Single moms are required to be a resident of Georgia and plan to study in an accredited institution within Georgia to apply for the program.

The eligibility criteria require you to be a minimum of 25 years of age and should express your life and career goals in the application form to qualify. The scholarship grant award may range between $2000 to $5000 respectively. The number of scholarship awards given to eligible students may vary.

9. Women’s Independence Scholarship Program

The main objective of the Women’s Independence Scholarship Program is to assist single moms of minors to acquire work skills and become financially stable to support their families. The main priority of the scholarship program is given to those who are survivors of domestic violence or partner abuse.

Single moms should have been separated from their abusive partner or ex-spouse for a minimum of one year to seek assistance from this program. Moreover, you must have sought supportive services from nonprofits for domestic abuse survivors for at least six consecutive months.

This scholarship program offers special consideration to women who are planning to use the money to further the rights of other girls and women.

10. The ANSWER Scholarship

Single moms and other women who are raising school-age kids and wish to fulfill their dream of attaining a college degree can apply for the ANSWER Scholarship. The eligibility of the scholarship program requires you to be a primary caregiver of at least one school-aged child.

You must be a full-time nontraditional student above 25 years of age and must be willing to participate in the mentorship program. The scholarship program requires you to maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher.

11. Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund

Single moms living in Arkansas or Bowie County Texas can avail life-changing opportunities and break the cycle of poverty by applying for the Arkansas Single Parent scholarship fund. The qualified applicants should maintain a GPA of a minimum of 2.0, and should not have earned an undergraduate degree previously. They must have a single status and must demonstrate a strong financial need.

You are also required to be a custodial parent of a minimum of one dependent child to qualify for assistance. The scholarships are tailored to single moms and dads so that they can use funds to pay for their car repairs, childcare expenses, gas, rent, or utilities.


Single moms who are interested in any one of the aforementioned scholarship programs must familiarize themselves with the requirements and prerequisites. In most cases, they have to write an essay on a given topic which can either make or break their chance to secure a scholarship. It is important to keep in mind that scholarships are awarded on a first-come first-serve basis. It is important to apply for the program before deadlines. In case you cannot qualify for a scholarship program you can apply for other financial aid opportunities such as federal loans with low interest rates. There is a lot of help for moms and single moms who are ready to put in their hard work and dedication to fulfill their educational goals.

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