Divorced Single Mom Help Orlando, FL

Divorced Single Mom Help Orlando, FL

Orlando is a beautiful city in the heart of Central Florida and is a center of attraction for tourists because of the theme parks and tourist landmarks. This is one of the most ideal places to dwell in as a divorced single mom due to the large amount of help and assistance available. This guide will help you to learn about the programs, resources, and different forms of health that are available for divorced single moms in Orlando.

How To Find Help As A Divorced Single Mom In Orlando, FL?

Divorced single moms are under extreme pressure to support their families both emotionally and financially. Fortunately in Orlando FL divorced single moms can access a lot of help in the form of support groups, grants, low-interest loans, counseling, housing help, and so on from nonprofit groups, community organizations, charities, and government institutions. While emotional support for divorced single moms in New Orlando takes the form of counseling, legal guidance, therapy, and support groups, financial assistance comes in forms like subsidized food programs, scholarships, grants, low-interest loans, financial planning, and so on.

List Of Divorced Single Mom Help In Orlando, FL

Divorced single moms should not think of themselves to be alone as help and support are available for them in plenty of ways in the city of Orlando. No matter whether you are looking for financial support or emotional help, community centers, nonprofit organizations, local support groups, or church and government assistance programs are available for you in Orlando. Following is the list of help that divorced single moms in Orlando can access.

1. Orlando Housing Authority

Divorced single moms looking for a safe and suitable place to dwell with their children safely can contact Orlando Housing Authority and seek housing assistance in the city. Housing instability is a major problem among single mothers who are widowed or divorced or single by choice. Single-parent families facing eviction or foreclosure are provided with transitional housing by Orlando Housing Authority. They are also the administrators of HUD Public Housing and Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program in the city. Participants have to meet the specific eligibility criteria and are placed on the waiting list to qualify for housing help.

2. Financial Help

The Crisis Assistance Program is run by Orange County for single mothers who are facing economic hardship. Solo moms in Orlando can get financial help with utility assistance, rent, and mortgage payments by applying for these programs. There are eligibility requirements that single mothers need to fulfill to qualify.

3. Orlando Food Assistance Program

Single moms who are unable to access healthy meals and proper nutrition for themselves including their family members and children can take help from the food stamp program in the city of Orlando. Besides there are many food banks that provide hot meals to divorced single moms at little or no cost. Food banks will provide you with groceries such as fruits, milk, clothing, and other essentials. The second harvest food Bank of Central Florida in the Orlando area also helps you to fulfill your nutritional needs.  The objective of the food bank is to eliminate and fight hunger among Orlando residents.

4. Salvation Army Orlando

This is a faith-based organization that has helped millions of Americans and is continuing in its mission every year. The social service programs provided by Salvation Army Orlando cover essential needs like clothing, food assistance, and counseling and provide a lifeline to divorce single moms who’re going through difficult times. If you are a divorced solo mother then you can contact a local Salvation Army center in the city of Orlando and learn how to qualify for the assistance programs.

5. Heart of Florida United Way

United Way is an organization in Orlando that runs supportive programs and financial assistance for people who are going through major problems in life. The major concern of this agency includes income, medical care, education and other necessities which divorced single moms fail to afford due to financial constraints. Low-income residents of Orlando including single moms going through economic hardship can seek temporary assistance and cover their deeds by contacting the United Way Orlando institution.

6. Orlando Rental Assistance Programs

Divorced single moms are at high risk of homelessness and foreclosure. Many Orlando organizations assist these mothers with rent payments if they are going through financial difficulty. For instance, Catholic Charities of Central Florida provides a family stability program that strives to eliminate homelessness and foreclosure. Catholic Charities is one of the biggest providers of help and assistance programs in Florida. Single-parent families and individuals in dire need can access financial help and remain housed by applying for this program. Central Florida Urban League in Orlando is another nonprofit organization that runs rental assistance programs for divorced single moms. They will help you with utility bills and rental payments and also provide a free reading program to boost literacy rates in children.

7. DivorceCare.org

Mental support for divorced single moms comes in the form of counseling sessions, support groups, therapies, and legal help. Going through the phase of divorce or separation can take a toll on your emotional health. Fortunately, support groups are available for single moms in Orlando that can help them to socialize and seek support from online communities. One such resource is divorcecare.org which teaches single divorced mothers about how the face can affect their health and their children and how to cope with it to promote overall well-being. You can find a local chapter in Orlando by visiting the official website.


Being a divorced single mom in the city of Orlando is not easy. You have to juggle parenthood, work obligations, household chores, and many other responsibilities single-handedly. Given a large amount of support and help divorced single moms can lead a fulfilling and happy life with their children. Many agencies and institutions are providing financial and emotional assistance to single moms through resources, programs, and support groups and enabling them to attain financial stability in life. Raising a child on your own while navigating divorce is undoubtedly challenging however with the Orlando initiatives and programs you will get the much-needed relief.

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