Single Mom Support Groups NJ

Single Mom Support Groups NJ

Single parenting can be an arduous task. Spending time with other single parents can prove to be an enormous relief for single mothers who are going through several challenges in their lives. Fortunately, single mothers in New Jersey can avail support groups and resources that will remind them they have a good chance of recovering from depression, anxiety, loneliness, or other mental health problems.

What Are The Benefits Of Joining Single Mom Support Groups In New Jersey?

Support groups for single moms in New Jersey have many benefits for struggling single moms seeking emotional support. The similar experiences among support group members mean they have similar problems, worries, feelings, and joys. Participating in a support group for single mothers will provide an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who share a common purpose, and you will find someone who can truly understand your situation. Some of the benefits of participating in New Jersey single mom support groups include the following:

  • Feeling less isolated, lonely, or judged
  • Improving parenting skills to cope with daily challenges
  • Talking honestly and openly about your inner feelings
  • Reducing depression, fatigue, anxiety, or distress
  • Staying motivated and better managing the treatment plans or chronic conditions
  • Learning about economic, health, and social resources available near you
  • Getting practical help and feedback on your problems and opinions
  • Getting parenting strategies and tips.

Different Single Mom Support Groups In New Jersey

Now that you are aware of the benefits that you can get by joining a single mom support group let’s take a look at the best resources and support groups that are available in New Jersey.

1. The Mommy Bond

There are a lot of women in New Jersey whose lives are entire but not fulfilling. Even after reaching their life goals, many feel stagnant and isolated. Single mothers in New Jersey who are feeling unsupported and lonely can join this group, where they can spend their energy talking to others and taking care of them. You can surround yourself with a tribe of women who share a similar background and challenges as you.  Becoming a part of a group that can support you as well as celebrate you will help to make life easier.

2. The Northern NJ Single Parents Meetup Group

This group is formed to make it easier for solo parents as well as their children of all ages and provides a common platform where they can connect and can make a bond. Single-parent moms and single-parent dads, including their children, can meet with each other at a café every month for an informed, relaxed chat. Apart from monthly café meetings, the group also arranges outings and family activities where you can build a network with other single parents and get to know each other. The group meetings often take place at the request of the members.

3. Singles Moms Supportive Chats Circle of NJ

Divorced parents or single mothers who are feeling isolated can join single moms’ supportive chat circle of NJ to get emotional support. This group is designed to support every woman from different walks of life. Life can be tremendously tricky and isolating without friends or someone with whom you can share your story. If you do not have a support system or friends who can listen to your problems and can give you practical advice, then joining this group will be the right decision on your part. This meet-up group enables single moms in New Jersey to meet once a month at a restaurant or coffee shop and get to know each other where they can share their personal stories.

4. Women’s Group

The main objective of this support group is to help single moms restart their life without feeling lonely and learn approaches to parenting their children. If you are scared or concerned about how to inform your children that their parents are divorcing, then joining this group will help you to learn practical health tips and other helpful advice. You can also learn how to manage an ongoing relationship with your co-parent or ex-partner.

5. Parent Group- Understanding and Aiding Your Child

Single parents who want to learn skills and knowledge about maximizing the potential of their children will find this group to be a valuable resource. This parent group uses verbal processing and art therapy techniques to enhance parents’ experience and child-rearing. Applying practical skills in real life will help you in your parental journey. The group discusses personal beliefs, values, and parenting skills.

6. The Light Side Of Divorce

Getting to and through a divorce is tremendously painful for any single mother.  Connecting with parents who can understand your pain and have gone through similar experiences will give you a sense of relief. Divorce can be one of the most difficult challenges in your life or maybe a life-changing breakthrough. The Light Side Of Divorce Group in NJ is where single moms and dads can get a sense of belonging. This group will take out the darkness or heaviness from your life and will help you to connect with others through Zoom meetings or in-person discussions. This group is led by experts who can make your journey easier.

7. Parent Skills

The Parent Skills support group is designed to support parents and help them learn positive, successful, evidence-based behavioral management techniques to manage their children with problematic behaviors better. This support group is designed to develop a healthy parent-child parent-child as well as a favorable family structure. This support group meets for ten sessions and primarily focuses on broad topics like maintaining consistent and clear expectations, behavioral basics, using natural consequences, managing parental frustration, encouraging health behaviors in kids, addressing problematic behaviors, constructive involvement, resiliency, and strengthening parent-child relationships.


Support groups for single moms in New Jersey enable single mothers to get support from other parents who can blow off steam in a nonjudgmental and supportive environment for you. Members of a support group share books, services, parenting support resources, and websites, which can also prove to be beneficial for you and help you to build a support network.

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