Overwhelmed Single Mom

Overwhelmed Single Mom

Single motherhood is undoubtedly an isolating journey with lots of ups and downs. Being a single mom, you are the primary caregiver and sole provider for your kids. You even have to take the burden of running household errands on your shoulders. All these duties and responsibilities take a significant toll on their mental health, leaving them feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Help for overwhelmed single moms is available in many forms, such as online forums, communities, professional help from therapists, etc. If you are exploring how to locate support and overcome all the hurdles while navigating mental health as a single mother, then this guide will help you to get the right solution.

Why Being A Single Mother Is Difficult?

Being a single mother is a tremendously difficult job in the world. Solo mums must run households, manage their jobs, juggle parenting, and solve their personal life problems alone. They have to juggle all the duties and responsibilities while dealing with the stress and pressure of being the sole earner and provider for their family. Dealing with the co-parent brings additional stress sometimes. From disciplining kids and addressing their behavioral problems to assisting them with their homework and taking all parenting decisions single-handedly, solo moms have to go through a stressful and daunting job in their day-to-day lives. Balancing all the parental duties and responsibilities can lead to time constraints, and this can be overwhelming for a lot of single moms, which leaves little room for them to relax and ensure a self-care routine.

Single mothers prioritize the needs and requirements of their children above their own and often neglect their mental and physical well-being in the process. The lack of energy and time for self-care routine leads to decreased overall well-being and increased stress and pressure level. Balancing childcare, the cost of housing, financially providing for the family, and paying for their health care, education, and other necessities create additional stress and pressure for single moms.

Reasons Why Single Moms Suffer From Overwhelming Depression And Anxiety

It is no secret that being a solo mom is tough. You not only have to juggle parental responsibilities but also solve your challenges without the support of your partner. No wonder many single mothers struggle with mental health issues like depression and anxiety. The following reasons lead to depression and anxiety in single moms.

1. Being Isolated

Many single moms feel lonely and isolated as they lack a robust support system of friends and family. They suffer from feelings of depression and loneliness.

2. Financial Stress

Financial stress is common among single moms as they have to manage all the responsibilities on one source of income. This may lead to severe depression. As a solo move, you’re responsible financially for providing for your children and managing household expenses. The financial stress of insufficient money to cover essential needs can be overwhelming sometimes.

3. Exhaustion

Single mothers feel exhausted while juggling parenthood and a job. This leads to overwhelming depression and stress.

4. Relationship Failure

A lot of single moms suffer from stress disorder as a result of divorce or splitting with a partner. This is more true for single moms who have been emotionally or physically abused by their partners.

5. Lack Of Me Time

Single moms have less time to ensure self-care, which results in suffering from overwhelming depression and stress. From the time they wake up to fall asleep at night, they are running around fulfilling their parental responsibility and caring for their family. They can hardly devote any time to themselves.

What Are The Symptoms Of Overwhelming Depression And Anxiety?

Overwhelming depression and anxiety refer to an exaggerated worry or irrational fear that something is going wrong throughout the day. This feeling is closely linked with becoming a single mother. Single mother suffering from anxiety and depression experiences the following symptoms:

  • Racing thoughts
  • Sense of danger
  • Insomnia
  • Shaking
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Chills
  • Exhaustion
  • Overwhelming stress burden and concern about the ability to be a good mother
  • Excessive concern about the health, development, or safety of the child
  • Persistent feeling of being on the edge
  • Changes in breathing and heart rate
  • Panic attacks

Acknowledging The Challenges Of Single Mothers

As a solo mom, you may feel you are constantly battling and have no support or help. However, it is essential to know that you aren’t alone, and there are thousands of single moms out there who are experiencing the same problems as you. Single mothers should take care of themselves both emotionally and mentally. If you’re feeling overwhelmed as a single mom, then do not be afraid to go for professional help. There are a lot of resources and help available for solo moms who can help you to overcome all the hurdles in life, so do not hesitate to reach out for help if you require it. One of the most effective ways to locate support is to connect and communicate with other single moms. Online forums and communities will help you to share your experiences with others and seek advice from them. Also, ensure to schedule some time every week for your self-care, even if it is for an hour or two. Single mothers should make their mental health the topmost priority no matter how many challenges they have to overcome.

Managing Overwhelming Depression And Anxiety As A Single Mom

As a solo mom, you need to be aware of all your mental health needs and also develop self-care strategies through which you can cope with life challenges. There are a lot of things that you can do to identify your mental health requirements and for developing self-care strategies. The first and foremost step is, to be honest about your feelings. If you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious, then instead of ignoring your situation, take some time to relax your mind, sit down and try to reflect on the causes behind these feelings. Identifying the source of stress will help you to develop a solid plan to address and overcome it. Reaching out for help is also critical if you need help managing your stress. Do not hesitate to ask for help from family, friends, or mental health professionals if you struggle to cope with stress alone. There are also a lot of resources available for anxiety-overwhelmed single moms that assist them in navigating and improving their situation. Finally, learn to take care of yourself both mentally and physically. This can be done by eating healthy foods, sleeping well, taking breaks between work, and exercising regularly. Taking care of yourself will help you better equip yourself to handle the challenges that come your way.

Tips On How To Navigate Mental Health As A Solo Mom

Single moms overwhelmed with their responsibilities and life challenges can navigate mental health by following the below-mentioned tips.

1. Consult Your Doctor

Those who are feeling depressed, overwhelmed, or anxious due to any reason should make an appointment with their primary care physician. Healthcare professionals will screen your mental health condition and will provide you with referrals to therapists or counselors. With the help of a mental health therapist, you can navigate your mental health struggles and seek invaluable guidance and support from them. Stress and pressure become overwhelming for you and start affecting your mental health. Do not hesitate to reach out to your mental health professional. Counselors and therapists can provide excellent support.

2. Find Out Local Resources

There are many community support groups and counseling services available for single moms at little or no cost at all. Single mothers can check with the Department of Health and Human Services in their state or can contact their county social service office to look for local resources that can help them to navigate through their mental health struggles.

3. Find A Support System

Overwhelmed single moms can deal with their struggles in a better way if they connect with other solo moms who are going through similar situations in their lives. Finding a support system, joining support groups near your region, or online forums will help you to connect with millions of single moms. Seeking help enables you to get the proper support from family, friends, and other single mothers who will understand your difficulties. Joining online communities and support groups will help you to get a sense of belonging or a good platform where you can receive guidance and share your challenges.

4. Look For Online Resources

Single moms unwilling to talk to others in person can locate helpful online resources. It will help if you search for online counseling or mental health support groups to locate the right situation which meets all your needs and requirements. These resources can be a haven for single moms who can receive motivation and encouragement from others who understand them.

5. Take Good Care Of Your Physical Health

It is imperative to take good care of your physical health, as good physical health will ensure overall mental well-being. Single mothers who are concerned about how to deal with their mental struggles effectively should start eating healthy foods, try to get enough sleep, and exercise regularly, which will improve their physical health. Practicing healthy lifestyle habits will help you to manage depression and stress better and will boost your overall well-being.

6. Set Realistic Goals

Stop expecting perfection and set realistic goals instead. Delegate tasks you can do and avoid putting much pressure and stress on them. Nobody is perfect, and it is okay to seek help if you cannot achieve something alone. Single mothers should focus on attaining essential goals instead of attaining perfectionism.

7. Practicing Time Management Strategies

Practicing effective time management strategies like prepping meals and schedules and getting kids involved in household chores based on their abilities and age will help single moms to reduce their stress and pressure. Start prioritizing your essential tasks and break them into a few manageable steps. You can use tools like planners, calendars, or any productive application to help you remain organized. Planning and organizing will help you feel less overwhelmed and more in control. Apart from practicing effective time management, single mothers should also establish a structured daily routine to reduce stress and get a sense of stability.

8. Seek Help From Your Friends And Family

Single moms feeling overwhelmed should never hesitate to seek help from their close friends and family members. The people who care about you will always ensure to see you healthy and happy. You can inform them about your mental health struggles and seek their support. They can support your challenges and help you find the right professional help if required.

9. Make Time For Yourself

Ensure to carve out time for yourself, even a few minutes daily. For this, you can practice reading, journaling, taking a bath, and pursuing your favorite hobbies or pastimes, which bring you immense joy. Engaging in activities that provide relaxation is one of the best ways of promoting self-care.

10. Explore Stress-Relieving Strategies

There are a lot of stress management techniques that single moms can practice to improve their mental health. This includes yoga, deep breathing exercises, listening to soothing music, exploring creative outlets, and many more. You can experiment with various methods to relax your mind and reduce stress.


Being a solo mom is incredibly tough. You have to deal with your stress and emotion single-handedly and stay strong for the sake of your children. It is normal to feel that you are on the verge of crumbling under stress and pressure; however, it is essential to remember that you are not dealing with life challenges alone. There are a lot of single moms out there who are going through a similar phase and can help you get valuable advice and support.

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