Health Insurance For Single Moms In Maryland

Health Insurance For Single Moms In Maryland

Skipping health insurance can leave a dent in your household finances. As per reports, 41% of Americans have financial issues paying down medical debts or medical bills in times of emergency. One accident or serious illness can completely deplete your savings leaving you scrambling to pay for the cost from your pocket. The state of Maryland offers financial aid in the form of numerous cheap and affordable health insurance programs so that single moms can cover their medical needs and stay in sound health.

Going without health insurance is not a smart idea especially if you have small kids to look after. If someone gets injured or suffers from a disease you need to pay all the bills from your savings and this may cost a whole lot more than paying for health insurance coverage. Single moms who fail to qualify for publicly subsidized programs can choose desired insurance plans from the healthcare marketplace based on their family and income situation.

The most important thing to look for while choosing a policy is to consider the deductible and premiums. Insurance plans with low premiums generally have high deductibles while plans with high premiums have low deductibles. A healthcare policy offering catastrophic, silver, bronze, or golden platinum plans with discounted or free visits to the doctor, routine checkups, vaccination, and other preventive care. A lot of plans provide discounts on medical services like prescription drugs. Single moms need to consider their and their family’s needs before making a well-informed decision

How Can Single Moms Apply For The Right Health Insurance Plan?

Before looking for health insurance plans for single moms you should consider opting for government programs like Medicaid, Medicare, or Child Health Insurance Plan CHIP run by the state. These programs will provide free or low-cost coverage to single moms and their dependents if they can fulfill the criteria. Single moms can also visit the comprehensive healthcare website of the United States government to apply for the medical program or shop for an affordable healthcare program.

Single moms who have jobs that provide health insurance plans but are not satisfied with them can get coverage through If you are shopping for a healthcare insurance plan through the healthcare marketplace online then click on

What Are The Available Health Insurance For Single Moms In Maryland?

Single moms who are unable to afford private health insurance due to financial constraints can consider opting for federally funded programs. Following is the list of affordable and cheap health insurance for single moms in Maryland.

1. Maryland Medicaid

Under the Affordable Care Act, the eligibility of Medicaid is expanding throughout the state of Maryland and is covering adults aged 19 to 64 with income less than 138% of the federal poverty level. In other words, a single mom of two children should have an income of less than $34,300 to receive Maryland Medicaid benefits. Individuals who do not qualify for the program can shop for low-cost coverage through the marketplace where you can compare different plans and make a well-informed choice.

You can contact the Maryland Health connection by dialing 1-855-642-8572. Depending on your family size and income you can qualify for low-cost or free health insurance with the Medicaid program. The program will help you access pregnancy care, preventive care, emergency services, and prescription medications. The qualification criteria require you to be a permanent resident of Maryland, with limited financial resources and assets.

2. MCHP, Maryland Children’s Health Program

Single moms with uninsured children below 19 years of age can be eligible to receive healthcare benefits under the Maryland Children’s Health program. Under this program, your children will get healthcare coverage provided your household income is less than 211% of the federal poverty level.

Single moms who are earning income over the program threshold limits can get healthcare coverage under the MCHP premium plan. The plan requires candidates to pay a small premium to receive MCHP benefits. The premiums will be based on your household income. For instance, a monthly premium for MCHP programs may differ between $57 to $71. Single moms who are earning income less than 322% of the federal poverty guideline are eligible to qualify for the MCHP premium.

3. Medicare

Single moms under 65 years of age can qualify for the Medicaid program provided they are entitled to Social Security benefits or are receiving benefits from the railroad retirement board visibility over 24 months. Single moms undergoing kidney dialysis, kidney transplant, or Lou Gehrig’s Disease are also eligible to get coverage under the Maryland Medicare program.

The Medicare program in Maryland is divided into different plans such as the original Medicare Part A and B, Medicare Supplement (also known as Medigap), Medicare Advantage plan, and Medicare Part D program. The type of plan you should opt for depends on your healthcare needs and situation.

Private Health Insurance

Single moms belonging to the low-income category can qualify for cost-sharing reductions or tax credits to purchase health insurance from the Maryland Health Connection. Following are the private health insurance plans that single moms can consider.


Single moms who have been laid off or have left their jobs can continue to receive health insurance coverage through their current plan all because of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. Single moms through COBRA plans can get coverage for up to 18 months. To continue receiving benefits from your current plan you need to pay monthly premiums.

2. Short-Term Health Insurance

Single moms who are searching for a job and are waiting to get coverage from their new employer can opt for a short-term insurance policy. Short-term health insurance is designed to give coverage to people during the gap until they get new coverage and help them protect themselves against accidents or major illnesses.


With limited resources, single moms have to go through countless struggles to provide various necessities for their children. Purchasing health insurance may sound challenging for them however there are affordable and cheap health insurance plans designed for single moms and their minors in the state of Maryland.

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