Single Mom Ministry

Single Mom Ministry

With around 15 million solo parents throughout the United States, many churches are focusing on the need to minister to solo parents effectively. For instance, the Life Of A Single Mom Ministries and Single Mom Ministry in Traverse City The nonprofit community aims to ignite healing, home, and confidence among single mothers. These ministries receive a lot of questions and concerns about how to minister to the needs and requirements of single parents more effectively. One such effective way is possible by creating a single moms support group with long-term discipleship. This guide will be beneficial for those who have not yet started a solo mom support group in their church as well. As for those who have already started a small group but are not achieving growth and development.

How To Start A Community-Based Single Moms Ministry?

Parenting is one of the hardest and best things one can ever do. This is more true for single moms. Many parents struggle and tend to receive help only when things are worse. Having a system set up to provide encouragement and support to single moms is essential. To start a community-based single-mom ministry, you can take the following steps.

1. Open A Small Single Mom Group For Your Community

An effective way to provide much-needed support to single moms is to open a small single mom’s group in your community which meets weekly. You might not have a lot of moms within your church however your community will indeed have many.

2. Select Which Single Moms You Will Reach Out To

You can’t reach out realistically to everybody, and using more ministry will be more effective if you can aim to meet specific needs. For instance, if you are passionate about helping moms of little ones come up pregnant women, or teenage moms.

3. Finding A Partner Or Building A Leadership Team

Find partners who want to help willingly and are passionate about the single mom group. Having peer leaders and mentor leaders will help to grow your ministry. Fear and mentor leaders will have the wisdom to share with you and a heart for pouring into others.

4. Develop Vision, Mission, And Goals For Your Ministry

You must develop a strong mission statement, mission, goals, and sometimes even a logo to create a brand for others to share and connect with. Start everything with God’s prayer. Let him bury this single mom ministry for you from the ground up. Deciding on the vision statement, mission, and goals will help you to get your ministry on its feet and secure its future growth.

5. Deciding On The Structure, Group Guidelines, And Meeting Schedule

The next step is to decide on your meeting schedules, group guidelines, and structure. For instance, if you can provide parenting classes, teach Bible study, or work through a set curriculum. You can take inspiration from a few successful single mom ministries or support groups like Celebrate Recovery and Embrace Grace. The basic single-mom support group model is teaching, fellowship, and open sharing. You also need to ensure guidelines to protect your single mom’s group. This will make others feel insecure, and they will feel free to open up and be honest. Confidentiality and anonymity should be basic requirements of your group.

6. Promoting To Your Community

You need to promote your single mom ministry outside of this tiny church. For this, you can put Flyers in the local businesses to promote your new ministry in your community. Apart from this, there are many other ways to promote the new ministry. For instance, you can start a Facebook page, group, or website to let others know about your single mom.  Many people join uh no online support group before showing up in person; therefore, it is essential to link the group back to your church website or Facebook page. You can talk personally and e-mail Flyers to the school counselors and principals within your area.

Single Moms Ministry Ideas

The first and foremost step in beginning a single-parent program is to gain support from your local community leadership team and church. You can reach out to Christian single-mom ministries to make a formal presentation and learn the steps to get started. Single mothers who are facing a difficult time locating the best help while starting a single-mom ministry can read the Woman Reaching Woman book, which comprises Bible-based help. This complete handbook will help you to develop leadership skills and grow or start a women’s ministry. Woman-reaching women’s books help you plan a ministry of outreach, in-reach, fellowship, Bible study, and discipleship. If your church is looking to start small groups within your single mom ministry, you can take the following suggestion from the woman reaching woman book as you start your ministry.

1. Praying for God

A key to any ministry is prayer, especially at the startup stage when guidance and wisdom from the Lord is quite essential. Praying for each other and becoming sensitive to personal needs will help your single mom’s ministry to grow. Prayers and encouragement are the two most significant ways families within their local church can invest in the lives of single moms and their needy children for strong families and motivate and pay solo moms to do random acts of kindness like inviting them. They fixed to their home for special lunch, reassuring them through the mail from ascending notes, willing to watch their children for a couple of hours, etcetera. People within the church body can give simple men time to let them know that they are not alone and that they can share their problems freely.

2. Serving The Woman Of Your Church

To identify the needs and requirements of women and design appropriate small groups, you first need to listen to needy women in your community and church.

3. Make Bible Study Groups As The Foundation Of Your Ministry

One of the most common single-mom ministries or any woman’s small group is Bible study. Your commitment to the Lord and his words must be expressed through systematic Bible study. Single mothers interested in promoting spiritual growth and enrichment can achieve their aim through group involvement.

4. Prioritize Missions And Community Outreach

Women or single moms enrichment ministry must comprise mission groups that focus on imparting relevant education, involvement, and awareness among women.

5. Work Collaboratively With Church Staff

Women’s groups and single mom ministry are part of a church program. The duties of the leadership of the church have been delegated to staff members, and you can see their guidance and advice.

6. Hold Church Wide Special Events For Promoting Your Ministry Or Small Group

Holding church-wide special events will attract many women who can learn about opportunities available in small groups and ministries.

Top Things Single Mom Ministry Should Always Be

As the number of single-parent families in the United States continuously rises, many churches are beginning to frame single-parent ministry programs for single moms, including discipleship and outreach. Many of these plans comprise regular Bible study meetings through Sunday school class, home study, connect group, ministry, or other structures. Following are the things a single mom ministry should always be. If you are looking for ways to start, grow as well as nurture a single mom ministry within a church, then these things will help you to figure it out.

1. Welcoming

According to statistics, 67% of solo moms are not actively attending a local church in their community. There can be many reasons behind this, but as a leader of the single mom ministry, you need to consider ways to create a warm and welcoming environment within your small mom group. For instance, you need to check whether you have friendly and warm greeters at the entrance of your meeting or exploiters inside the group to sit intentionally with moms sitting alone. It is also essential to reach out to volunteers and coached leaders in practical ways and indulge themselves in small talk. It is essential to ensure diversity in race and age in your group. Some other ideas include making a welcome gift for new members or a welcome team to follow up with new attendees.

2. Convenient

 Many single moms take up multiple jobs, perform household duties, juggle homework, or attend post-secondary education. As a result, you need to have a convenient meeting day for busy and struggling single moms who can attend additional Bible study programs.  Although it will be impossible to choose a particular day that will be convenient for every solo mom, however, as their time schedules vary based on their life stories, it is essential to hold meetings during weekends when attendance tends to be popular. Also, consider hosting single-mom ministry meetings during weekend evenings or Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

3. Organized

It can be frustrating for busy single moms to attend an unorganized event. Single mom ministry should let their attendees know that they address their busy schedule and honor the anointing of the Lord on the ministry. An organization needs to include a vast number of things such as a clear start and end time of the program, planning meals as well as childcare in advance, preparing for lessons, gathering all the supplies for the event, pre-planning duties for the volunteers, advertising, clear communication with the attendees and many more. When leaders take time to prepare everything in advance, every event or group programs run smoothly.

4. Honoring

Honoring helps in relation building in the long run. People are more likely to listen when they feel treasured and respected. Single-mom ministry honors other single moms and is sensitive to them. The ministries must respect the diversity of the experience that single moms have faced in their lives, such as death, adoption, unwed pregnancy, divorce, fostering, etc. While some mothers have worked with the Lord from the start, some have met him for the first time therefore, every single mom should be honored. This also goes for the volunteers and leaders serving within the ministry, including the church leaders and pastors who have approved the single-memory.

5. Relevant

You need to make sure the content in the single mom group is relevant to every mother’s experience. For instance, if most single moms attending the group are have-aged kids, then teaching lessons to them on toddlers and infants would not be relevant. Moreover, if any of the attendees have not been charged or have not known the Lord for a long time, then it is better to skip the 12-part study on the Book of Revelation. Also, include some fun and engaging ideas in the group, such as scheduling a game night, enjoying a trivia night, or hosting a summer social or barbeque where single moms can spend time together and laugh together. Bowling events, attending roller skating, and giving away door prizes are some other ways to help single moms deal with their situation.


The tips mentioned above would help to grow your support group or single mom ministries in your church. The single-mom ministries focus on empowering solo and best things spiritually, parentally, and financially. The support and love of a group or ministry can uniquely nurture women. Single parenting is an adventure that can sometimes bring hurdles and complications. You need to research the curriculum in your single mom, support group, or ministry, to enhance the overall life of solo moms and teach them effective money management strategies, parenting techniques, and spiritual and emotional health. Additional creative topics like car and home repairs, healthy movement, and cooking on a budget will also go a long way for solo moms.

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