Pregnant Single Mom Support Groups

Pregnant Single Mom Support Groups

There are many reasons why a lot of women have become solo parents. Irrespective of whether you decided to walk on the path of parenthood alone or have ended up in this situation unexpectedly, you might feel concerned about how to face pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood alone without the support of your spouse or partner. At the same time, you might also feel empowered and confident as a single mother. It is normal to have mixed emotions during pregnancy and experience both good and bad days during this phase.

Survival Tips For Single Mothers During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is indeed a challenging time. However, single pregnancy can prove to be a bit harder since single pregnant moms have to deal with their problems and make significant decisions in their life alone. Following are the tips that will help you to survive your pregnancy as a single woman.

1. Look For Support

The first and foremost thing which a lot of single mothers during their pregnancy lack is to have the support of their partner or spouse. It might not sound significant, but it can make pregnancy harder for single women. So instead of looking for support from your partner who isn’t present with you, you can seek a good support network that can help you throughout your pregnancy and motherhood. This support network may consist of your friends, strangers online, and family members. Support groups for single pregnant moms help them to get physical and emotional support whenever required. Single moms can turn to them for sympathy and reassurance after a tough day.

2. Join A Support Group

While looking for an appropriate single mother support group, it is always advisable to search locally so you need not spend time traveling far from your place. If you choose to be in a group with a female or male counselor or join a gender-specific group, then filter your search results accordingly. Joining pregnancy support groups for single moms is a brief way to assist them in confronting their difficulties in life. Sharing your experiences and struggles as a pregnant single mother with other women will help you to feel connected. In this way, you can reduce your anxiety related to pregnancy and motherhood. Finding other single moms who know what you are going through is comfort, especially if you face a difficult pregnancy.

3. Seek Financial Help

Being a pregnant single mom, you might have to face a lot of financial troubles, which may not leave you with enough to take proper care of your child during your pregnancy. It will help if you work on your budget and plan your finances and get everything in order. Planning is an essential part of good parenting; therefore, you need to plan meticulously and purchase life insurance as a part of that plan. Making a budget will help you to reduce your debt. In addition, pregnant single mothers can avail a lot of government assistance programs and grants made exclusively for low-income single mothers and pregnant single moms.

4. Reach Out To Your Community

The best approach for pregnant single mothers is to socialize as much as they can. Being a single mom while pregnant is not an easy journey; therefore, you need to make sure you have a few friends, community members, and close relatives who can relate to your daily problems and share the highs and lows of single parenthood with you. Single parents generally feel over-tired, overloaded, and overworked because of fulfilling multiple tasks and jobs simultaneously. You can form a network with other single mothers, your friends, and your family even before your baby arrives, and you can seek mental and emotional support.

5. Prioritize Your Health Over Your Work

If you suffer from vomiting, readiness, aches, or any other pregnancy symptoms that make it challenging to keep up with your work, adopt a flexible approach and prioritize your health over your work. You can request your employer for leave or give you a flexible schedule so that you can manage your health. You can explain the difficulties and recommend how your employer or company can help you with a typical workload. For instance, you can cut your commuting time by working from home a few days a week or working on flexible hours that will help you to come late or depart early as required.

Different Pregnant Single Mom Support Groups

Generally, pregnant single mothers look for support groups because they are searching for caring women with whom they can share their ups and downs, emotions, and thoughts or to find information related to pregnancy and get help for medical, nutritional, financial, and emotional needs. The support groups hold meetings weekly and hold discussions on a wide range of topics which lets them connect with other single parents, talk about pregnancy, and seek helpful resources and tools. Often these groups are led by experienced leaders and professionals who can address the emotional challenges of new and expecting parents. Following is the list of pregnant single moms’ support groups that can help you to fulfill your needs and join the one which best suits your needs.

1. The Motherhood Center

This single-mother pregnant support group assists perinatal women, feeling lonely and depressed. Not only single mothers but a part of a community who are going through similar experiences can also find support and motivation from this group. The Motherhood Center provides various support groups for pregnant and postpartum/ birthing women virtually. If you’re a first-time single mom experiencing anxiety or depression, this group will help you throughout your perinatal journey. The support group of the Motherhood Center is restricted to expecting or new moms. However, an important thing to note is that support groups for pregnant and postpartum single mothers are different from treatment groups; therefore, you should not take this group as a place of medication management or clinical individual group therapy.

2. Meetup

If you’re a pregnant single mom, then Meetup will help you to connect to the largest pregnant single mother groups in the United States. You can search for a support group near your location with the help of the state-organized catalog or zip code. With plenty of options that are not strictly related to parenting, you can find a plethora of unique groups which will support you mentally as well as socially.

3. The Bump

This website provides valuable advice and suggestions to pregnant single mothers to discuss various topics related to parenting and pregnancy, starting from preconception to toddler. The Bump also features deals on children or baby items and baby registries, including birth month clubs where single mothers can connect to other women due on the same date. Pregnant single mothers can access the pages of advice on the website of The Bump using a smartphone or computer. They have a Real Answers Section where you can find relevant answers to any of your questions related to pregnancy and parenthood. The answers are made by experts and other single mothers who have prior experience.

4. BabyCenter

The BabyCenter has plenty of users that share experiences and advice on different pregnancy support groups. You can click on the Try to Conceive option or insert your due date to receive valuable advice and personalized information based on your present pregnancy journey. They can also receive weekly emails related to their baby’s development. It also provides various discussion topics and groups to connect single mothers with experts and other expectant or new parents.


The primary mission of the Nurturing Network is to make sure that every woman, including single mothers, can access the necessary resources that help them to continue their pregnancy till term. The website offers services to pregnant single mothers like medical assistance, nurturing homes for financial assistance, liberation for parenthood, adoption counseling, and educational programs.

6. Facebook Groups

  • Mommies of Miracles-

This online community is for moms of children with developmental or healthcare needs.

  • Working Moms Support Group-

This is a good place for pregnant single mothers who can connect to working moms with similar experiences in single parenthood and pregnancy.

7. Postpartum Mood Disorders Community

Pregnant single mothers experiencing postpartum depression can seek help through the Postmortem Mood Disorders Community. This community provides a lot of different chat options for pregnant single mothers who are going through PPMD concerns. The support group discusses pregnancy, birth stories, standard education, alternative or holistic treatments, and breastfeeding. The community also provides chat for supporters and spouses. You must create an account to join the chat rooms and seek valuable suggestions from experts and other single mothers.


Being a pregnant single mother is an overwhelming journey. You have to manage pregnancy, become a mother and carry all household chores without the support of your partner. Single moms need a support network to help them share their experiences and struggles. Friends, family, neighbors, and even the online community can make up this support network for pregnant single mothers. Every pregnant woman needs someone to lean on to seek comfort, sympathy, and someone with whom they can share their dreams and aspirations. Your support network must be your dream team, along with professionals who can handle your physical and emotional assistance whenever required.

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