Single Mom Support Groups Baltimore

Single Mom Support Groups Baltimore

Parenting is undoubtedly a difficult journey. Single parenting is more complicated. Being the sole caregiver and bread earner of the family, you have to carry many responsibilities on your shoulder; therefore, it is normal to feel lonely, angry, and overwhelmed at times. Studies have shown that single parents, primarily single moms are at greater risk of struggling with anxiety, depression, and stress. In the United States, around 80% of single-parent families are headed by single moms’. A lot of people think that such everyday experiences are likely to receive more understanding of our support and empathy however, unfortunately, a lot of single moms still suffer from judgment and stigma. Whether you are new to single parenthood or have been a single mom for a while, you might have suffered from exhaustion, self-doubt, and stress. Single mothers need a nonjudgmental setting where they can connect with other parents and feel better.

Is A Support Group Right For Me?

Single-mom support groups are an excellent way to meet other parents experiencing similar joys and struggles. Research states that participating in support groups and group therapy for single moms helps them to improve their parenting skills, facilitate better communication, and improve self-esteem.  When searching for the right support group in Baltimore. In this way, you can form a network of support you can count on regarding your needs. You can benefit a lot when you join a support group of single mothers who share the same boat as you. They can better understand your emotions and experiences and cheer you on bad days. It is essential to get a warm and intimate group setting where you can vent your emotions, connect with others and solve all your problems.

Different Single Mom Support Groups In Baltimore

Single mothers are unsung heroes who need counseling, care, and support at times to navigate the waters of single parenthood. Joining a support group in Baltimore is a brave way to overcome all the difficulties of being a solo mom.

1. Empower. Support. Thrive. The New Connections Therapy Group for Single Moms

This is a counseling center therapy group that helps single mothers in Baltimore to connect to other mothers and learn a lot of tools like stress management, realistic self-care, forgiveness, how to co-parent effectively, communicate with an ex-partner, concerns, dating, and many other problems through group progress. The Baltimore-based counseling center offers anxiety treatment, relationship counseling, and therapy for depression which can go a long way to help leaders have a prosperous life.

2. More than Moms, A New Kind of Playgroup

This is a small group of young mothers who are nursing babies. It is a tight-knit parenting community that provides in-person and online support to young mothers. The group organizer provides a standing playgroup every Tuesday. The group post moms’ night out, weekly stroller brigades, and field trips so that single mothers in Baltimore can connect with others.

3. Processing: Moms w/ Anxiety and Depression

This processing group for mothers helps them to overcome anxiety and depression. The group meets virtually and provides a safe place for mothers to share their issues with depression or anxiety, which often comes due to relationships, self-esteem, parenting, and overall health. There are a lot of topics that are discussed in the group, which may vary from week to week. As a single mother, you can become a part of the processing group and talk about your relevant vital issues and problems and hear from others as well.

4. The Womb Room

This social support group allows mothers and their families to learn, grow, play, and heal. It comprises a pregnancy support circle, a postpartum support circle, an infertility therapy group, a lactation and feeding circle, an afterglow therapy group, and many other programs and services for single mothers. Connecting with other mothers on shared life experiences with the child is one of the best ways to improve perinatal mental health. The group provides an opportunity for women to share struggles, triumphs, make friends, and learn what to expect from their child at different stages related to feeding. The Womb Room professionals offer weekly virtual support groups so that single mothers can get a haven to discuss emotional, physical challenges, connect and bring a new baby into the world.

5. Mothers Connecting

Single mothers looking for ways to connect with other mothers in Baltimore and share their daily challenges and struggles in life will benefit the best by joining this support group. It is easy to be overwhelmed by performing the enormous task of a single mother. Joining this group will help you to share the joys and challenges of motherhood with others and get practical help and emotional support. The group also provides babysitting options.

6. Stress Relief For Burnt-Out Moms

Single mothers in Baltimore who are tired from doing all the work alone and feel relenting pressure and anxiety should not feel alone. Joining this group will help you to progress as a single parent and get a community of mothers who are kinder and more compassionate with one another. This is a six weeks group session that includes experiencing power and wisdom, which connects with nature and involves the therapeutic power of nature.

7. Effective Parenting

Single parenting adolescents or teens with all technological advances and busy schedules has become difficult for many women in Baltimore. Joining this parenting group will allow you to meet other parents navigating similar challenges. The counselor of the group will moderate the group session. If you want to get an opportunity to learn good parenting tips and strategies that overcome all obstacles, then this program will be the right fit for you.


Being a single mom is difficult, but you don’t have to deal with all difficulties alone. Baltimore has a vast network of communities and organizations that help single mothers connect with others and go through all child-rearing phases. Irrespective of whether you are looking for ways to make friends or parenting tips to deal with your life problems, there are a lot of resources for single mothers living with their children in Baltimore.

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