Best Jobs For Single Homeschooling Moms

Best Jobs For Single Homeschooling Moms

Single moms who are homeschooling their kids and live on only one source of income find homeschooling expensive. The overall homeschooling costs keep adding between joining sports, purchasing homeschooling curriculum, co-ops, and other activities. When you want to give the best education to your children, it would be hard for you to settle for less. This is the reason why many homeschooled single moms try to make extra money so that they can make homeschooling work economically.

Homeschooling single mothers have to earn money to complete science experiments, go to fields with their children, do art projects, take foreign language classes, and give them the best curriculum so their children can be at par with other private and public school students. Taking up home jobs will help single moms supplement their homeschooling budget.

How Can Homeschooling Work Financially For Single Mothers?

Single moms who are struggling financially to make ends meet while providing homeschooling to their children can earn money in a lot of ways. If you’re wondering how to work while teaching your kids at home, creating lesson plans, or performing all the household work, then you are in the right place. There are a lot of flexible jobs for single moms homeschooling so that they can work from home and provide the best education to their children. These jobs are flexible, convenient and help homeschooling single mothers earn money.

What Are The Best Jobs For Single Homeschooling Moms?

There are plenty of home-based job opportunities for homeschool mothers who have to cope with daily challenges and a full schedule. Contemplating a home-based career is now possible for homeschooled single mothers who can manage their busy homeschooling schedule as well as earn money at the same time. If you’re a single mother looking for flexible home-based job options to homeschool your children, you must check out the following options:

1. Blogging

One of the most convenient and flexible job options for homeschooled single mothers is blogging. Becoming a blogger will enable single mothers to earn thousands of dollars monthly. Although blogging is a type of investment, the return on this investment can be unique. As a blogger homeschool single mother, you earn substantially to pay your bills and provide for your family. Bloggers earn money in plenty of ways, such as affiliate marketing, selling products, courses, ads, sponsored sports, etc. As a homeschooled single mother, blogging will be an enjoyable and rewarding job for you that will not only help you to earn additional income and also pay attention to your children. To become a blogger, you need to put in hard work, perform keyword research and write engaging posts for your audience to become successful. In a nutshell, blogging is a perfect home-based job to earn money for homeschooled single mothers.

2. Working Artist

Homeschool moms can pursue a creative home-based career by becoming working artists. Irrespective of whether you are a visual artist like a sculptor, photographer, or painter or working as a freelance writer, you can earn additional income and pursue your artwork in your own time. Single mothers are already an expert in scheduling homeschool lessons and performing necessary errands and extracurricular activities; therefore, making time to write well is within the realm of possibility for single mothers. Most single moms take up the job of freelance writers, where they have to write articles routinely for different businesses, publications, and websites. You can also search for working artist job opportunities on different job boards. Becoming a freelance writer or working artist has the potential to bring lucrative income or a fantastic part-time job opportunity for homeschooling single mothers who want to earn extra cash while taking care of their kids.

3. Virtual Assistant (VA)

Homeschooling moms can take up remote jobs by becoming virtual assistants. Today many businesses and companies are searching for virtual assistants so that they can help them with their day-to-day tasks. Virtual assistants have to carry out a lot of responsibilities like blogging tasks, administrative work, helping the company with bookkeeping or real estate tasks, managing social media platforms, and also managing marketing jobs. Single mothers who are homeschooling can become virtual assistants to earn additional income. If you’re good at accounting or social media handling, becoming a virtual assistant will be an excellent job. Depending on the type of virtual assistant you are, your task may vary. While some virtual assistants are paid on an hourly or weekly basis, some are paid per project or monthly wise. Many companies and business organizations are shifting to remote work today; therefore, the demand for expert virtual assistants is rising. You can locate jobs for virtual assistants anywhere on the Internet, like social media, job portals, and other job listings online.

4. Selling Physical Products Or Digital Printables On Etsy

If you’re a single mother who has a knack for graphic designing, and creating physical products or crafts, then you can earn money by selling your products on Etsy. Making your Etsy shop and selling your items is a fantastic way to earn money at home. Etsy is a marketplace with a vast audience base, and you can find many customers willing to purchase your products or items. You can also sell many things on Etsy, like homemade jewelry, digital printable, t-shirts, custom-made tumblers, sola wood flowers, etc. Homeschooling single mothers can work around their kids’ coursework and get involved in their businesses. The limit to your creativity is your imagination; therefore, as long as you can turn your creativity into an exceptional tangible item, you can earn excellent income opportunities. Doing creative jobs to earn money will also help you to get time to get engaged with your children, teach them, and encourage their creativity as well. You need to learn business details such as listing your products or items for sale, mailing packages to your customers, and running other business errands.

5. Social Media Manager

Becoming a social media manager is an excellent remote job for homeschooled single mothers who want to earn money by teaching their kids. This job will be best suited for you if you love to share posts on Instagram or Facebook or scroll through social media platforms to find the latest news or trends. Social media managers are also called community managers, as they handle different social media accounts of business owners or celebrities. As a social media manager, your job will be to reply to comments, write posts, answer DMS, or address any questions or complaints. Social media platforms also include scheduling tools; therefore, you can prepare and write the posts beforehand. This enables homeschooling single mothers to balance their job as well as their house errands or home-schooling work at the same time.

6. Online Teacher Or Tutor

Homeschooling single mothers have a proven track record of teaching well, as they do this daily with their children. This makes them a natural fit to be great online teachers or tutors. If you’re a homeschooled single mother, you can take work as an online tutor or teacher and teach different subjects according to your skills to children. Apart from subjects, you can also teach children about arts/ crafts and how to play an instrument. As an online teacher or tutor, you can provide online tutoring services in your community. The best form of marketing for an online tutor or teacher is word of mouth. Therefore once you get a client, it will be easy for you to get more referrals. You can also join online tutoring platforms to get more teaching work. There is a huge demand for native English speakers among foreign students who want to master this language. Therefore you can become an English tutor and teach grammar or other basic English in your tutoring session. To become an online teacher or tutor, you need a stable Internet connection and a quiet room. Most of the time, foreign students have different time zones; therefore, in such cases, you have to adjust your work schedule accordingly.

8. Medical Transcriptionist

The job responsibility of a medical transcriptionist is to ensure that all the medical records are up to date, accurate and contain essential information like symptoms, health history, treatment plan, and test results. There is a huge demand for expert medical transcriptionists in Canada and the United States. Homeschooling single mothers can become medical transcriptionists and work full-time or part-time jobs. As a medical transcriptionist, you need to listen to the dictation or recording of a healthcare worker or doctor, translate any abbreviation or jargon, and describe all the essential information in two forms, like discharge summaries or referral letters. A lot of medical transcription companies are providing educational resources and training to people who have no prior experience in this field. Therefore, if you are a newcomer in this field, you can take up training to get a job as a medical transcriptionist. If you are tech-savvy, it will help you earn income and have complete freedom over your work schedule.


In today’s online business world, there are plenty of job opportunities for homeschooled single mothers that enable them to manage their household work, teach their kids, and earn money simultaneously. The legitimate remote-based jobs mentioned above are a perfect option for homeschooling single mothers that will lead them to have flexibility and freedom over their work as well as help them earn money and get engaged with their kids at the same time. As a homeschooling single mother, you are already armed with tons of skills that can help you to succeed in different jobs. All that is required is to make clever use of your time and show creativity.

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