Single Mom Support Group Indianapolis

Single Mom Support Group Indianapolis

There has been an increase in the number of single parents in the United States over a few years, among which single moms head a significant portion of single-parent households. In the absence of the loss of a partner, the social support for single moms reduces. Being a single mom is an arduous task as you have to manage the household course, your job, and your kids by yourself. Fortunately, there are a lot of support groups and resources available in the state of Indianapolis for single parents looking for ways to build a network, make meaningful friendships, or new connections with other parents.

Why Should Single Mothers In Indianapolis Join A Support Group?

Some single mothers make the mistake of dealing with stress and anxiety on their own after a divorce or the death of a partner. The struggles of a single mother aren’t one as new issues like conflict, grief, pain, and financial constraints keep coming up on their way. Checking weekly or monthly with a single mom support group is a proactive and healthy way to deal with life-altering or traumatic events. One of the most critical parts of the transition from a married woman to a single mother is the change of your identity. It is normal to feel judged or pitied instead of admired or valued by people around you. However, in a support group for single moms, you need not wear that label. Some support groups bring in experts and specialists who offer valuable resources to single parents. Family therapists, experts, pastors, and advisors in emotional intelligence will help you to get a wealth of information.

Different Single-Mom Support Groups In Indianapolis

It is essential to do your research and locate a single mom support group that will help you to grow and thrive. Try looking for the following groups in Indianapolis that will help you to seek emotional support, connection, meaningful friendship, bond, and a way to deal with your life struggles.

1. theCityMoms

It is one of the most extensive support and social networks for mothers in the Indianapolis area. This support network provides a calendar full of engaging and fun activities in every corner of the city. The support and social network include play dates, workshops, moms’ night outs, exclusive events, regional playgroups, and many more options. Whether you’re a stay-at-home, babysitter, or work full-time mother, you can join this group to bond with other single mothers near your region and make new connections. There are also no limitations on the age of mothers and children, as all are welcome in this group. Joining this group will help you to receive member discounts at online forums, local businesses, and many more.


Mothers of Preschoolers or MOPS is a national organization that runs through the local churches. However, it does not require the group members to be parishioners. The support group typically meets two or three times every month throughout the school year. MOPS invites guest speakers and serves meals during the group meetings. There are a lot of MOPS groups that are working throughout the Indianapolis area. The group membership is limited to mothers having younger children or those with preschool-aged kids. MOPS also provides childcare facilities for mothers.

3. MOMS Club

This is a national organization that comes with multiple local chapters. MOMS Club organization promotes support and encouragement for at-home mothers. Single mothers can easily find a chapter in Indianapolis by filling out an online form. Someone from the organization will contact them and help them to learn how to be a part of the national organization.

4. All the Single Mommas

Single mothers who are exhausted from raising their children single-handedly and managing life challenges alone can join this group in Indianapolis and meet other single parents, come together, bond, laugh, and feel better. This group is formed to encourage and motivate single mothers and give them a place where they can interact with others and share each other‘s stories.

5. Playdate & Mama Tribe

This group is designed specifically for parents and children to bond with others, relax, make friends, and socialize. The group meets every Wednesday morning at Sacred Spines Chiropractic at 10:30 AM. Playdate & Mama Tribe offers an excellent opportunity for veteran mothers, expectant mothers, caretakers, grandmothers, and single mothers to get a warm and safe place indoors to socialize, meet others and let their children play. The group also comprises occasional guest speakers that range from estheticians, attorneys, business owners, midwives, doulas, and many more. Toys and complimentary refreshments for children are also provided.

6. Gigi’s Playhouse

Gigi’s Playhouse in Indianapolis is a Down syndrome Achievement Center that provides many programs, including open play, parent groups, educational activities, family nights, and many more options. Gigi’s Playhouse of Indianapolis provides an excellent way for single mothers and their children to connect with other parents and frame a supportive network.

7. Partners Without Parents

It is a single-parent support group designed solely for single parents and their kids. This educational organization promotes the well-being of single parents and their kids. The membership information of PWP is private, and there are specific procedures and rules in place that you must abide by.  This international nonprofit and nonsectarian organization of single parents works for the betterment of widowed or never married and divorced parents raising their kids alone. The organization provides them with a nurturing group to communicate and meet with other parents. They can exchange ideas, form a mutual understanding, make companionship, and help each other. You can visit the website of PWP to know the location of chapters and how to join a chapter in your local area.


Being surrounded by a group of supportive people makes challenges a bit easier for single mothers. The support groups mentioned above for single parents in Indianapolis are an excellent resource if you feel lonely and depressed. You can also look for a support group through and for online connection or ask your mental health therapist or counselors for recommendations.

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