Mom Support Group Rockville

Mom Support Group Rockville

Single mothers being the sole bread earners and providers for the family, have to perform lots of tasks in their day-to-day lives. From doing house chores to taking multiple jobs to cooking dinners, solo mothers are always on the go. Developing meaningful friendships with other parents will provide relief and hope and take the guesswork out of single parenting. If you’re a single mother living with your children in Rockville, then you can access a lot of helpful resources and support groups that can provide you an opportunity to interact with different people coming from similar backgrounds and experiences.

What Are Support Groups For Single Moms In Rockville?

Support groups for single moms in Rockville mean single parents can seek counseling, get practical help and parenting strategies, and voice their concerns with other parents. Single mother support groups help them to realize the challenges of single parenting and make their life more manageable. Whether looking for good advice, new friends, play dates, or anything in between, joining moms’ clubs or support groups in Rockville is an incredible resource for single parents. This guide will help you to learn about several support groups for single mothers that are available in Rockville.

Different Single Moms Support Group In Rockville

Are you in need of a single mother support group? Single motherhood seems more straightforward when you make friends and have a support system. In case you are feeling isolated and want to connect with other mamas through support groups, then check out the following list.

1. Mama’s Circle

This is a meetup group for mothers with older babies and newborns. It is one of the few groups inviting children up to three years of age. It holds six-week sessions and conducts meetings every weekend. Mama Circle holds discussions every week based on the needs and requirements of the group members and also helps its community to bond and come closer.

2. Rockville MOPs

Single mothers seek meaningful friendships to share their stories, a shoulder to lean on in tough times, or a place to get helpful advice and ideas. Rockville MOPs group will provide you with a warm, safe community and shared wisdom from other mothers who may not be your age but have similar backgrounds or lifestyles. You can join the candid discussion conducted by the group on various topics that can shape your life. MOPs, or Mothers of Preschoolers, is an international organization having a Christian charter. This organization welcomes all kinds of mothers regardless of their religious background. The group meeting occurs on the first and third Tuesday of every month at noon. These group meetings include crafts, lots of conversation on different topics, guest speakers even childcare options. A $24 fee has to be deposited for joining the international support group, and also pay an additional charge of $5 per group meeting to cover the cost of crafts and childcare. Here single mothers can also qualify for scholarship programs.

3. DMV Single Mother’s Connect

This is a group in the DMV region that supports single mothers and stays together through thick and thin, like laughter, pain, joy, love, tears, fun, and frustration. The group has been created so that mothers can support and encourage each other and eventually build a meaningful relationship and a strong bond. The meet-up conducted by the group consists of mommy socials, playdates, an actual mommy talk forum, a support group, fun activities, a babysitter club, and many more.

4. Free Virtual Parent Support Groups

Single moms in Rockville worried about whether their teen will graduate high school and enter college can join the Free virtual Parent Support Groups. The support groups are taking place through Zoom meetings. Every Thursday night in a week, parents connect at Sandstone Care Rockville to help each other to navigate the struggles of parenthood. If your young adult or teen struggles with alcohol, drugs, or mental health issues, you can get support and practical help by joining this group. The support groups here are entirely free to enter and open to all types of parents.

5. Parenting For All Ages

This support group includes parents as well as caregivers of kids in age between 4 to 18 years. Joining this group as a single parent will help you to learn the skills to understand the basic needs of children, like autonomy, secure attachment, relationship building, and making a personal identity. Depending on the age, children or teens tend to misbehave with their parents in different ways, requiring immediate attention so that parents can fulfill their unmet needs. 

6. MCPOM, Montgomery County Parents of Multiples

This is a volunteer group that offers social activities and support to its group members. The main objective of this club is to benefit group members by sponsoring clothing and equipment for children, exchanging ideas, and providing immense social and educational activities. Single mothers of multiples who are looking for support and assistance and are living in Montgomery County, Washington, DC, MD, with higher order multiples or twins of any age can become a part of MCPOM. Playgroups and social activities for parents and children are planned throughout the month.

7. Circle of Security Virtual Parenting Group

Are you a single mom of children with tantrums and misbehavior? Misbehavior and child tantrums can often confuse caregivers who are unaware of the needs of their children. The Circle of Security Virtual Parenting Group is an eight-week evidence-based program that helps promote and sanction parent-child relationships. Single mothers juggling parenthood and unable to parent their teens or children can benefit the best by joining their support group. As per studies, kids with secure and robust parent-child relationships can solve all life problems independently, feel less stressed, and have high self-esteem. 


Getting out of the house, meeting others, and socializing may seem a daunting task for single mothers while managing household chores or surviving the newborn sleepless stage. The main objective of single mom support groups in Rockville is to help single moms get emotional support, address the emotional needs of children, reduce their tantrums through improved communication, and enforce positive behavior among children.

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