Grants For Single Mom In Oklahoma

Grants For Single Mom In Oklahoma

The state of Oklahoma assists its disadvantaged residents, primarily single mothers, by providing many support programs and resources. These resources and financial assistance programs offer a safety net to low-income families and help them pay for necessities like food, clothing, shelter, rent, mortgages, etc.

How Does the Oklahoma Government Assist Single Mothers?

Various grants, scholarships, and financial assistance programs are available to needy women struggling with their necessities. While some grants and programs enable Oklahoma single mothers to pursue higher education, some help to cover their needs, like food, clothing, shelter, childcare, rental/ mortgage assistance, etc. A lot of financial aid for single moms in Oklahoma helps them to prepare for a job, undergo job training and locate suitable employment opportunities for themselves.

Different Grants For Single Moms In Oklahoma

The state of Oklahoma has designed a lot of programs to make single moms self-sufficient. Following are the grants and financial assistance programs that exclusively target low-income Oklahoma residents and struggling single mothers.

1. TANF, Oklahoma Temporary Assistance For Needy Families

Temporary Assistance For Needy Families in Oklahoma is a public assistance program that offers time-limited cash benefits to low-income families living with children. The maximum cash benefits an eligible family of three members can receive under this program is $292 monthly. The main objective of this program is to offer temporary assistance to low-income families, including single mothers, and to end their dependency by boosting job preparation and employment activities. Recipients of Oklahoma TANF must participate in employment activities for specified hours every week. You can contact your local DHS Human Service Centre to apply for this program.

2. SNAP, Oklahoma Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

The Supplemental Assistance Program in Oklahoma aims to improve the diet and nutrition of low-income residents of Oklahoma regardless of their age. The program offers them nutrition assistance and monthly food free of cost. This program is the first line of defense that eliminates hunger in Oklahoma and is a popular program for struggling single mothers who cannot provide a well balanced diet to their children. SNAP benefits in Oklahoma are received by more than 600,000 individuals and children every month. Around 70% of beneficiaries of this program belong to low-income families with minor children. The SNAP benefits a family can get through this program may vary depending on family size, available resources, and household income. Once you qualify for the program, you will get an Access Oklahoma EBT card to purchase food and groceries at approved supermarkets or retail stores. You can apply for this program by contacting your DHS office.

3. Oklahoma Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program

The Housing Choice Voucher Program or Section 8 Program in Oklahoma is a federally funded program for low-income families and single parents to cover their utilities and rent. Eligible families who are qualified for this program will get financial assistance so that they can pay their monthly rent. Qualified candidates will be given Housing Choice Vouchers that they can pay towards their rent. The Oklahoma City Housing Authority offers the Section 8 Housing Program to candidates who meet the eligibility criteria. Once voucher help is issued, you will have 60 days to locate suitable housing or unit.

4. Oklahoma SoonerCare

The Medicaid program in Oklahoma is known as SoonerCare, which guarantees long-term medical care service and primary health support to eligible low-income Oklahoma residents, especially pregnant women, uninsured children below 19, single mothers, and low-income parents. Oklahoma’s SoonerCare program is free for eligible residents who can meet the program’s income guidelines; however, some families must pay to apply for healthcare services. Oklahoma is now expanding its healthcare coverage, and this is the reason why its Medicaid program is available to nondisabled adults, including pregnant women in age between 19 to 64 years with income below 138% of the federal poverty level.

5. LIHEAP, Oklahoma Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

Low-income Oklahoma households, including single mothers who cannot pay their winter heating bills, can seek assistance through Oklahoma’s Low Income Home Energy Assistance Programs. This program is mainly designed to enable Oklahoma residents to pay for their cooling and winter heating bills. The eligibility criteria for this program are based on household income, household size, type of heating fuel, dwelling location, and other factors. Crisis Assistance is also available under this program for Oklahoma residents facing utility cut-off notices.

6. CCAP, Oklahoma Child Care Assistance Program

The Child Care Assistance Program in Oklahoma is designed especially for children below 13 years of age or children with special needs up to 18 years of age whose guardians work or attend school. Single mothers in Oklahoma looking for childcare assistance while in school or working can apply for this program. However, they are required to meet the minimum eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria for this program depend on family size, household income, and the number of children in the family. According to CCAP conditions, a family of three children earning less than $4000 monthly may qualify for this program.

7. OTAG, Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grants

The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education provides Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grants to low-income Oklahoma residents who are attending public or private colleges and universities in Oklahoma and wish to pursue higher education. Single mothers in Oklahoma who want to continue their education should contact the financial aid office at the college where they are planning to take admission and fill out the FAFSA form online. The maximum grant award that is provided to students who are attending public colleges, career technology centers, or universities is around $1000, while for students who are attending approved private colleges or universities in Oklahoma is around $1300.


The harsh economic condition affects many families throughout the United States, including Oklahoma. To address the financial struggle of single moms and low-income residents, the Oklahoma government has designed a lot of programs so that single moms can get rid of their financial difficulties and can stay ahead. Struggling single moms and low-income Oklahoma residents can reduce their emotional and financial stress by applying for the above mentioned programs.

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