Grants For Single Mom In Michigan

Grants For Single Mom In Michigan

Being a single mother and raising a child in Michigan can be an arduous task. Fortunately, the state of Michigan offers assistance and support in many ways. The main objective of the state government and private organizations in Michigan is to assist the neediest families and single-parent households with safety net programs during their hardship. Some widespread financial aid for single moms in Michigan includes TANF, SNAP, WIC, Healthy Michigan Plan, and many other programs.

Do I Qualify For Financial Assistance In Michigan?

The state of Michigan offers financial aid and many assistance programs for low-income populations and single mothers. To be eligible for these financial assistance programs and grants, you must fulfill the eligibility criteria and demonstrate a genuine and robust financial need. The eligibility criteria and the grant award for every program may vary depending on your location and the program you’re applying for. The general eligibility criteria require you to be eligible for Michigan Family Independence, be a citizen of the United States, be a permanent resident of Michigan, or be a legally qualified alien. Struggling single moms in Michigan must be underemployed, unemployed, or belong to a low-income population.

List Of Grants For Single Moms In Michigan

Michigan has a total population of 10 million residents, around which 284,000 residents are struggling single moms who are vulnerable to poverty and unemployment. To assist single moms, a lot of charities, organizations, government bodies, and NGOs are designing programs and resources so that single moms can meet their ends and can fulfill all their basic needs. Some scholarships and grants are designed exclusively for single moms in Michigan who wish to pursue higher education and attain financial stability. If you’re a struggling single mom in Michigan, then the following programs and resources will help you to get started.

1. Michigan Food Assistance Program

The United States Department of Agriculture as well as the State of Michigan DHS, has designed a joint initiative known as the Food Assistance Program so that low-income Michigan residents, older adults, disabled individuals, and single mothers can purchase adequate nutritious food and can remain in sound health. Families who are earning less than $150 monthly and have resources not exceeding $1000 can be eligible to receive assistance under this program. If you want to sign up for the Food Stamps Program in Michigan, visit the local DHS county office and check the application process and eligibility status.

2. Pell Grant

The federal Pell Grant program is designed for low-income students pursuing undergraduate studies and soon-to-be students who want to attend a public college/ university in Michigan. Single moms can also apply for these programs, provided they are pursuing undergraduate studies and have a solid financial need. Qualified candidates can get an award of $6000 per academic year for up to 12 years. This is a federal government-funded program that your preferred school of choice handles. To apply for this program, you need to contact the financial aid office of your school. You can cover your tuition fees through this program, and the leftover money can be used for buying books, transportation, fees, or any other educational-related expenses. Funding for this program will be based on your income and other essential factors.

3. FIP, Michigan Family Independence Program

This program offers cash assistance to pregnant women, single mothers, and low-income families with dependent children. Under the present Michigan law, eligible candidates cannot receive cash assistance under this program for more than 48 months in a lifetime. Once you become eligible for this program, you will receive a card, also known as the Michigan Bridge card, and deposits will be made into your account twice monthly. This program not only offers cash assistance to eligible families but also helps them to seek state emergency relief assistance, food assistance, and childcare support.

4. MIChild

This is a popular healthcare or medical care program designed for uninsured children of low-income families below 19 years of age.  No deductibles or copays are required for this program. Children below 19 years of age, citizens of the United States, residents of Michigan, or qualified immigrants can be eligible to receive assistance under this program. They should have a social security number and no access to comprehensive Medicaid or health insurance. Children of low-income families must also meet the monthly family income restrictions.

5. CDC, Child Development And Care

Single moms can seek childcare assistance from the Child Development And Care Program in Michigan. The CDC program offers monthly payment assistance to low-income families and single parents so that they can cover a part of the childcare expenses while attending work or school. Eligible families who qualify for this program can choose a childcare provider of their preferred choice. The state will cover a portion of the entire childcare costs while parents have to pay the remaining amount. The program requires families to have income below 125% of the federal poverty level or 39% of the state median income.

6. MTG Michigan Tuition Grant

This grant program is designed for low-income undergraduate students based on their financial need. Eligible candidates can use the grant at nonprofit universities or colleges in Michigan. Single moms who want to afford college can be eligible to apply for the Michigan Tuition Grant. The maximum grant award for mandatory education fees and tuition costs is $2800 per year; however, the grant award is subject to approved and available funds. To be eligible for this grant, applicants should be a resident of Michigan, have a genuine and robust financial need, and intend to enroll in a post-secondary institution in Michigan.


Single moms in Michigan are eligible to receive a lot of financial assistance programs and grants that go across broad segments of life, such as education, housing, health care, counseling, feeding, employment, childcare, legal services, etc. The need to assist financially challenged single mothers cannot be undermined; hence a lot of organizations and the government of Michigan strives to design programs and grants so that single moms can get back on their feet and stay ahead.

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