Single Mom Conference

Single Mom Conference

As per the United States Census Bureau, there are around 13.7 million single moms in the United States of America. Single moms in the USA compromise more than 27% of households. There are nonprofit women’s organizations that host single mom conferences and allow a lot of single moms from different areas as well as surrounding states to gather for the conference and get motivation and support in the event.

What Is the Life Of A Single Mom Conference?

Being a single parent can be stressful and demanding. Single mothers who are busy raising their children, creating work-life balance, and managing their family’s finances have to go through a lot of mental health problems like anxiety, pressure, and isolation. Seeking support networks is a good way to get positivity and motivation in life. National Single Moms Conference by Life Of Single Mom provides virtual and in-person attendance and is free for single mothers. The in-person event takes place in Alabama and you can mark your calendars to join the conference. The National TLSM Single Moms Conference in 2023 will take place in September where you can get child care, food, giveaways and hear speeches from national speakers. Single mothers who want to encounter the Lord and get a breakthrough in their life will surely love to join this event. It is one of the biggest single-mom conferences in the United States. Both virtual and in-person audiences get to hear from the keynote speakers on a variety of single-parent issues, visit vendor booths, be stretched spiritually, face life-changing worship, and win prizes. Single moms willing to take part in the National Single Moms Conference can grow, emotionally, spiritually, and financially and get closer to Lord. The in-person attendance includes two meals along with desserts. This event led by Jennifer Maggio offers ministry leaders who work with single mothers and other needy people a special workshop on teaching effective best practices.

How Would Joining The National TSM Single Mom Conference Can Help You?

The Life Of A Single Mom is a fully accredited award-winning nonprofit organization that exists to make sure that no single mother walks alone. The mission of this organization is to improve the lives of solo mothers through education and support groups in three main areas: finances, parenting, health, and wellness. The Life Of A Single Mom offers programs that focus on transitioning single mother-led families to self-sufficiency, and financial stability, educating moms, and promoting positive outcomes in critical life areas. It is one of the largest single organizations in the United States and Los Angeles. The organization impacts a lot of single mothers and their children every year. Led by Jennifer Maggio more than 10,00,000 single mothers across 50 states have benefited in their lives. National TLSM is a haven for single moms but they can be surrounded by women who are going through similar problems. This gives them a happy and hopeful life and a chance to feel the presence of the Heavenly Father. Joining this conference will be an opportunity to get rid of overwhelming feelings of hurt, rejection, feeling unwanted, unloved, and heartache. The National TLSM Single Mom Conference started with 5000 single moms including single moms coming from 42 States and three different countries. The conference is led by experts and national speakers who focus on teaching skills so that single moms can learn about financial literacy, parenting, stress, workforce development, healthy life balance, and many more. At-risk, single moms get to learn the life skills in the conference that are necessary to thrive and create a safe environment to start the healing process. Apart from this the conference also offers a wide array of support services like counseling, life mapping, videos, case management, curriculum, podcast, ebooks, empowerment workshops, and many more.

Lifeway Women’s Events Christian Women’s Conferences

Lifeway Women’s Events is a gospel-centered, engaging, and worshipful experience created for women belonging to all ages. Single moms, whether they are joining virtually or in person, get to dive into Scripture and get knowledge from their favorite Bible teachers. Single moms coming across the world can benefit or be lured by taking part in this Christian single-mom conference. Lifeway Women’s Events Christian Women’s Conference is for every woman. Single mothers looking forward to attending an event near them or studying from home with a small group can get equipped to follow the teachings of God and get the light of hope by being a part of this conference.

Thrive Gathering

Single mothers can attend a two-day conference at the Thriving Gathering which is created to empower and encourage single parents. It is a one-of-a-kind gathering created specifically for solo mothers and is held at Crossings OKC. Women belonging from all over the country get an opportunity to gather, encourage, and empower to flourish as solo parents. The gathering helps attendees to connect with other solo mothers and children who are navigating the same struggles and challenges in their lives. The Registration to take part in this gathering is around $30 and comes with a 2-day conference ticket, lunch, breakfast, and snacks including a conference bag. The mom tribes gathering in the women’s conference offers childcare facilities for children from birth to 12 years and this comes at an additional cost of $5 per family.

Single Mother’s Conference By Arise Ministries

This nonprofit women’s organization holds single mother confidence every year at Crossings Community Church in Oklahoma City. Single moms coming from different areas and surrounding states gather at the conference to seek support and motivation from national speakers. Mothers belonging to all stages and ages participate in conference events where they seek encouragement, motivation, and empowerment. The conference is mostly for single moms who have adopted a child without their partner or have never married. Other single moms include women who are widowed, separated, divorced, and even ladies whose husbands are stationed overseas in the military or incarcerated. Because of the diversity of cultures and backgrounds, the breakout session includes a wide range of subjects to address the individual needs of single mothers. Participants get an opportunity to select from different breakout topics that can help them seek practical help and fresh insights into dating and remarriage, finances, dealing with teen children, furthering their education, career, step-family dynamics, how to raise boys, and many more. The motto of the conference by Arise Ministries is that being a single mother is not a curse but a celebration. The cost of the confidence is around $25 per mother. Childcare facilities are free however registration is required.

Why Joining A Single Mom Conference Can Help You?

Single mothers have to go through a lot of struggle in raising their children single-handedly and pursuing their dream goals. There are some rough days when you feel lonely and isolated without a strong support system. It is only by the grace of God that single mothers and their children can get through this difficult situation and in this way encourage and motivate other single moms. Single-mom conferences are given by different organizations and nonprofits. Mothers have an opportunity to participate in annual community events, come together, and connect with other single-parent women where they can share each other’s strength, inspiration, and motivation, and renew their hopes, lives, dreams, and goals. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and alone as a single parent then joining conference events will help to seek support and learn how to lead a life with positivity. Single moms can expect to hear motivational speeches from dynamic speakers at conferences that will impart encouraging and uplifting messages.

Often these conference events include breakout sessions where mothers can choose between the ways to address their issues or which aspect of life they are willing to learn about such as health and wellness, financial literacy, healthy parenting, self-advocacy, etc. Childcare facilities come for free or little cost therefore single mothers need not worry about locating childcare for their young children. Apart from motivational speeches, you get a chance to enjoy light-hearted entertainment as well as to refresh yourself, free giveaways, and other helpful resources that can be of great help in your day-to-day lives. Once you feel rejuvenated and revived you can leave the conference with positivity. Children also get an amazing opportunity to enjoy entertainment opportunities and meet other kids of their age. These conferences are designed keeping the financial limitation of single moms in mind therefore they come with insignificant registration fees and small child care and lunch costs.


Single motherhood can be taxing at times. However, you need to remember that many local resources and conference events in your area or throughout the nation will help you to network with others, utilize the local resources and seek emotional support. Single mothers have to play an important role in their children’s lives however it is normal to feel isolated and unmotivated while juggling parental obligations and other responsibilities. Being the only advocate of your children joining the conference events mentioned above will give you the right opportunity to rejuvenate and educate yourself and become the best version of yourself and for your kids. Single moms joining conference events will get to learn how to manage stressful and overwhelming phases in life and how to improve their condition. The national speakers involved in conference events come from a variety of states and help single moms to get encouragement and motivation in life.

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