Single Mom Message To Her Daughter

Single Mom Message To Her Daughter

It is no secret that a daughter’s birthday is truly important and special for a single mother.  You would like to say something creative and unique on that day to m0ake your child feel special. Irrespective of whether you are wishing your birthday in person, through text, or by writing in a card the message must convey your love and appreciation for your daughter and show her how grateful you are to be her mother. This guide will throw light on the birthday messages of a single mom to her daughter and how to write sweet, heartfelt, and funny messages that will surely make a daughter smile on her special day.

Tips For Writing Birthday Message To Daughter From Single Moms

The following is the list of tips that single mothers can use to write unique and creative birthday messages to their daughters to celebrate them and make them feel special on their birthdays.

1. Write A Concise, Sweet, And Short Birthday Message

Often single mothers feel they need to write a long paragraph or big message to make their child feel special. However, the best birthday wish can also be a short one that will help them to deliver their feelings and appreciation for their daughter a little faster. For instance, texting her “Wishing you lots of laughter, joys, and happiness” can still pack all the good vibes and love that you have towards your daughter. Single moms can opt for writing snappy birthday text to make their daughter’s birthday a memorable and special one.

2. Use Emojis On Your Birthday Wishes To Add Some Color

The birthday message of a single mom to her daughter should be colorful and creative.  Single mothers can take advantage of technology and use birthday-related emojis to add color to their text wishes. Using emojis is a simple and easy way to make your message touching and this will also let your daughter know how excited you are for her birthday. For instance, you can add emojis of cake, balloons, flowers, and so on to send her your good vibes and plenty of love.

3. Show Your Love And Gratitude For Having A Sweet Fabulous Daughter

Single mothers can show their gratitude towards their one-of-a-kind daughter in their birthday message. You can make her birthday feel more personal, funny, and memorable by making a unique card for her. You can jot down some childhood memories or funny memories in the birthday card. You can take the opportunity of your daughter’s special day to remind her how special she is to you and that she has brought many smiles and laughter to you throughout the years.

4. Let Your Daughter Know How Excited And Happy You Are To Watch Her Grow Up

Let your child know how excited you have been throughout the years to watch your little child grow older. Even if she’s a grown-up she has got more life to live and enjoy. You can be her cheerleader on her birthday and inspire her for her bright future. For instance, you can write: “I am grateful to celebrate this birthday with you and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you, my sweet daughter”. You can also add her age in your birthday message in the following way: “Happy 18th birthday… Here’s to another incredible 18th year. Enjoy your special day to the fullest and remember you have many more special days in store”. These heart-touching messages will certainly make her feel special on her birthday.

5. Include Encouraging And Motivation Words On Your Card Or Birthday Texts On Her Big Day

Young people usually feel the stress and pressure to grow up and find success in life and the future may not always be certain or go the way that you plan. Being a single mom you can provide the much-needed support and assurance to your daughter, especially on the occasion of her birthday. Adding encouraging and inspiring words will make her big day feel special and will bring a smile to her face. For instance, you can write “Happy birthday to the strong and brave girl who is just not my daughter but a kind, talented, and remarkable young girl”. “You can handle every ups and downs that life throws at you. I will always be there for you to clean up the mess. On your birthday. I would like you to remember that I am always by your side”.

Single Mom Message To Her Daughter On Birthday

Daughters are the piece of heart, pulses in veins, and the apple of eyes for every parent.  While sons provide exterior strength to parents, daughters offer internal courage to them. The daughter is the most delicate flower and the biggest pride for single moms who have a tough time raising them single-handedly. It is the intense desire of every single mom to pour all the luxuries and happiness of the world into their child’s life, especially on the occasion of her birthday. Nothing can beat special heart-touching and handwritten birthday wishes. The following is the list of compelling sweet and heart-touching happy birthday messages that you can say to your daughter and amplify her joy and excitement double times.

1. My Dearest Daughter

“As you are growing before my eyes it fills me with great joy, wonder, fear, and sadness. I wonder what kind, beautiful, and sweet little person you have become throughout yours. Your bubbly energy, enchanting smile, and good nature can lighten anyone’s mood in an instant. However, I am afraid of what this world may do to you as you move ahead in your journey. Happy birthday once again to the best daughter. I’m so pleased that the little version of me came out way better than the first version”.

2. Sweet Little Love

“I am so proud to have you as my daughter. You are so brave and strong however this world is hard and is filled with scary and dark things. As you are growing you might feel that the world is not a kind place and there are many selfish people around. However, do not forget to be kind and generous to others. You have a big generous heart which I truly want to embrace. I hope you spread kindness and generosity like wildfire”. “You are my legacy and I’m so proud to have you as my daughter. Happy birthday honey”.

3. My Little Girl

“I can never forget the first time I held you. On your birthday I would like to express how proud and happy I am to be your mother. I hope I have set a good example of being a brave fighter for you and have been successful in protecting you against all evils. On your birthday I want you to remember that you are worthy of all good things in life. Never settle for the second best. I’m so proud to have a kind, talented, smart, beautiful daughter like you. I hope you chase the best of everything and make your mother proud. No matter how mature or old you become you will always be the little notorious girl for me. I hope your birthday brings you endless happiness, surprises, and profound opportunities in your life”. “Wishing a happy birthday to my dearest daughter”.

4. Dear Daughter

“It brings so much joy to my heart to see you turning into a strong, beautiful, ferocious, and independent woman which I always wanted you to be since you were born”. “Happy birthday my sweetheart daughter. I would like to thank you for being the silver lining of my life. It was a roller coaster ride to raise you single-handedly”. “On your birthday I would like you to trust God and your instincts. God has a plan and a purpose for your life. Learn to trust God and talk to him daily. Trust him with all the things and put your faith in him. He will give you the discernment and instinct to make hard choices in life and overcome all the difficulties in life”.

5. My Sweetie

“Wishing a happy birthday to my awesome daughter. You are a real sunshine in my life. You spread blessings, good vibes, and happiness wherever you go. Thank you for giving me constant moments of joy. Sending bundles of love, affection, and blessings to my forever princess. You are a vivacious and colorful butterfly who spreads good luck, joy, and happiness around”. “My sweet daughter is turning a year older, wiser, and smarter. I pray for you forever to be joyful and happy”. “May God bless you with the heaps of praise and freedom that you deserve. You are the type of daughter that every mom would dream to have. You have made my journey as a single mom fulfilling and wholesome. I want you to be successful at every step of your life”. “My beautiful and innocent daughter is turning a year older. May no single drop of tear come from your eyes. I pray all the blessings of gods and heaven be on your side and that you get all the happiness and love that you deserve”. “Wishing a lifetime of success, joy, and happiness to my proud daughter”.

6. My Forever Princess

“Happiest birthday to my notorious and mushy daughter. You are the exact copy of me and I’m so proud and happy to have you as my child. Hope you stay as strong as a rock. It delights my heart to have you as my daughter. You have made me so proud in different ways and have never let me down”. “God bless you with irresistible wealth and charm. The way you are growing you will surely blossom into an elegant and beautiful young woman. I am sure you will win everyone’s hearts with your kindness, changing attitude, and positivity”. “On your birthday I would like you to suggest keeping your head high, your life and career goals higher, and your will and determination highest. Wishing a cheerful and joyous birthday to my sweet daughter”.


For single mothers or daughters, birthdays are truly special. There are many ways in which you can make her feel special on her big day. You can acknowledge her achievements in life to make her feel appreciated. But these are all about celebrating and by giving her your heartfelt messages you can add extra happiness to her life. Watching your daughter become the person you are now is the greatest reward. You can express your sentiments in their birthday messages. You can also add valuable wisdom to your message. If you want to be creative and unique then you can send her funny birthday messages to make her laugh. Surely you may give her something in a box to unwrap, however, the real gift which you provide to your daughter on her birthday is a big smile. You can remind her of the greatest joys in life or goofy knock-knock jokes to make her smile. A sentimental, heartfelt, fun quote about birthdays as mentioned in the guide will make you a big part of her birthday celebration.

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